4140: Soul Magic - Harry Potter, Ruby Rose

Sep 22, 2017 22:19

Title: Soul Magic
Perpetrator: Migiwara no Harry
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: None
Summary: “Harry is powerful and unique, as proved by his two animagus forms. When he falls into Remnant after being forsaken by the wizarding world, he captures the heart of Ruby Rose and many others. Wait... He's also a unique Hybrid Faunas with an immense amount of aura and magic! After acceptance is given, they'll go to hell and back for him when his "friends" pull him back. HarryxHarem”
Full Name: Harry Potter, Ruby Rose
Species: He’s not the canon Harry, that’s for sure. He’s fauna? What does that mean? To quote the RWBY wiki. “Faunus (singular Faunus) are one of the two intelligent races that inhabit Remnant, the other race being the Humans. While Faunas resemble Humans, they’re often easily distinguishable from the latter in that they possess the traits of animals.”
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Possessions: The hearts of Ruby, Yang, Blake, Velvet and Coco
Connection to Canon: “Now, Voldemort’s body had been a homunculus, but the magic used to sustain it was unsteady due to the powerful venom running through the blood, resulting in a powerful explosion when the unsteady magic backfired.” I call bull, but question whether the writer actually understands the actual magic behind why Voldemort is still alive. Both die, and there are funerals. Harry finds himself resurrected and sent to - well, the summary explains it, but in turn just feels irritating. The whole die and resurrected into another canon is overdone, but almost always done to make the character into a Mary Sue or Gary Stu. We then get Harry being a complete brat. “He’d long since fallen out with the Dumbledore line of thinking when he’d done nothing to help him from the hell his home was.” You mean the hell his home was because the Suethor made it that way, but even than Harry’s attitude towards Dumbledore is unjustified, but honestly shows a major lack of understanding in regards to how abuse works. Seriously, cut the attitude that someone could just walk away, or that someone could just sweep in and rescue someone, and that if that doesn’t happen, someone doesn’t care. Then things get horribly confusing. Harry has a crutch, but he meets Ruby and they instantly know each other, but they’re both naked in front of each other. Oh, and Yang is looking for her sister as well, and she’s upset that “THOSE TWO WERE ASLEEP IN THE MIDDLE, CRADLING THE OTHERS?! PROTOCOL SISTER 101 ENGAGE: KEEP AWAY FROM BOYS!” Then, the second chapter that is up, well, I can’t make heads of tails of it. I can though make heads or tails of the author’s note, and it’s not good for the Suethor. There is discussion of castration, but I honestly couldn’t understand what the writer was referring to.
Origin: The writer honestly believes the following. “I think that the faunas Harry stories are some of the best stories in the vast ocean of crossovers.” They then say in their author’s note, “So my chance to write one starts here! It will be Harry x harem, more specifically, Harry x Ruby x Yang x Blake x Velvet x Coco x (eventually) Weiss.” We also get at the end of the author’s note, “Also, yes, Harry will not have a good past/ Dursley’s home life. I do this trope so much because I enjoy seeing the tentative family bonds blossom with those who are truly good to him.” I believe the writer means they’re going to exaggerate the situation of the Dursley family, but ignore the tentative family bonds that blossomed with Harry towards the end.
Special Abilities: Let’s start off with the fact he has two Animagus forms when he should only have one. Says the author’s note in the first chapter, “It will not be love at first sight for all of them, but it will be for one or two (possibly three) of them.” This I think is the main focus. “Finally, Lemons will happen.” We find out in chapter one that, “With learning wandless magic, apparition, and removing the blocks on his magic with an old ritual, he'd become immensely powerful, enough so to communicate with the castle.” Sadly, while I couldn’t make sense of the second chapter, I did get this from the author’s note. “Yes, Ruby is a bit OOC. I feel that having Harry with her would make her a bit more down-to earth, and she wasn’t shocked when he told her of stabbing the basilisk because she saw his memories and that was quite memorable. When she asked about the weapons, it was just to make sure she hadn’t missed anything. Yes, the romancie is progressing slightly fast with Weiss, but that’s just the basic trust forming. Truly opening up will be much more difficult for her. Finally, for the lemons… it will be a special chapter. Ruby and Harry really aren’t the kind of people to do that in a hormone-filled lust haze, and while they do have some foreplay in private, they’ll not go the final step for a while. Thanks for reading.” Actually, the fact this makes much more sense than the chapter when it really doesn’t make sense is bad.

Notes: Are fauna fics really the best fics? It sounds more like the writer is using something similar to the neko girl fetish certain people has to make that judgement, but I could be wrong. However, it sounds just like a variant of creature inheritance where it is used to make Harry “cooler” than his canon version. Actually, with no favorites I wonder if the writer really understands what a good fanfic story is.


Few had stayed with him during these troublesome times. Falsely entered into a deadly tournament? As if he'd wanted any more fame in the first place! Neville had stood by him, along with the Weasley twins. However, they'd all abandoned him after publicly renouncing all ties with Harry in public. Sirius had stayed with him, contacting him via magical mirrors, informing him of necessary spells to SURVIVE, not even considering winning. He'd told Harry about the animagus potion, and Harry had used accio to get the needed materials. That was the last bit of information Harry had gotten before the mirror was destroyed in his sleep.

Brewing the potion and keeping it a secret were the only things keeping him going. After getting thrown out of Gryffindor house and being brutalized in the corridors with nobody giving a fuck, he'd called for Dobby and was taken to the room of requirement by the frantic elf. He'd been living in there, only sneaking down to the kitchens for food and companionship. With learning wandless magic, apparition, and removing the blocks on his magic with an old ritual, he'd become immensely powerful, enough so to communicate with the castle. It had given him that little boost of hope, enough so to finish the potion.

The potion was brewed expertly, there was no problems whatsoever. But, when Harry took it, something unexpected happened. He had two animagus forms: a cat and a phoenix. The potion had not meant to be used by somebody with still potent phoenix tears and basilisk venom in their bloodstream, and thusly had taken the more dominant aspect for his second form. Once the castle had explained this, he was shocked to find he still had both the most potent cure and the deadliest venom in his bloodstream. Keeping it a secret, he had breezed through the first two tasks, further increasing the cries of "cheat" and "liar".

The third task had been the hardest. With no prior knowledge of the maze, he'd simply blasted his way through the walls to the cup, pissing everybody in the audience off, but as it was a valid strategy, he'd simply kept doing it. Upon reaching the cup, he'd been teleported to the graveyard, and through a dark ritual, Voldemort had been reborn, and here he was now, facing him.

Both deciding to attack, Harry screamed out expelliarmus as Voldemort intoned Avada Kedavra. The spells collided in the middle, resulting in a chain reaction similar to an atomic bomb. A massive explosion rocked the graveyard, leaving no trace of either of the combatants, and all the surrounding death eaters were torn to shreds. Now, Voldemort's body had been a homunculus, but the magic used to sustain it was unsteady due to the powerful venom running through the blood, resulting in a powerful explosion when the unsteady magic backfired. People ended up believing the cup's magic ended up exploding out, "sadly" ending the life of the boy-who-lived and many upstanding members of society. The funerals were held, and they fell into obscurity.


Harry fell. The blast had ripped a hole in the realms, as the resurrection had thinned the lines between life and death. Passing through the void (was that a malformed skeleton he saw?) he was absorbed into another realm, a place that swallowed him into its' depths, not caring for any struggle he tried to put against falling into the new, shadowed realm.

As he accepted his fate, tumbling down into the new world, he felt his forehead burst open with pain. Black ichor dribbled out of his scar as a ghostly face (Voldemort, he dimly recognized) was pulled out and tried to force its' way back into Harry, but failed as he was finally sucked into the world, with the horcrux getting eaten by the melting skeleton entity. "Ah, I love determined souls. They're great to snack on." it announced into the void as it faded from sight.

pt - harem, pw - woobie/cry for me, rating - toxic, ac - animagus, stu - harry potter, p - crossover, sue - (other canon)

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