4139: to survive is to never give up - Harry Potter/Calla Lilly Potter

Sep 21, 2017 22:46

Title: to survive is to never give up
Perpetrator: ashbelleryland
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: none
Summary: “Harry gets a creature inheritance and isn't able to go back to Hogwarts for fourth year. Secrets come to light, betrayals are discovered and decisions must be made. Out in in the wide world on his own- will he survive?”
Full Name: Harry Potter/Calla Lilly Potter
Species: His creature inheritance is “merfolk”. The Malfoy’s were High Elves.
Markings: "Pushing himself out of the cloud and against the wall of the pool to see where he'd been hurt. Looking down there were several quickly healing gouges in his chest, but there was something odd about his chest. There was something different about it. When he realized what it was he started shrieking and though he tried it took him awhile to calm down. By the time he was calmed down he(she?!) figured he(she) would be tomato red for the rest of his life.  Abdm Covering his(he was a boy dammit!) new chest with his arms and examined the rest of his body” And, “He had a tail. It was rather beautiful. His gossamer white fin started where his feet had been and there was a smaller fin on each hip that were twice the length of one of his hands. His scales shimmered blue and green with a gold smattering. Beautiful. He wondered if he would blend in the ocean or stick out, and hoped he would blend.”
Possessions:  The ministry sends him a ton of books using a feather-light charm because they can identify what’s wrong with him without seeing him. He also has… well… “The healer from before appeared on the right of the Head Goblins chair holding a green cloth band with complicated looking straps. He was sure they could have fried an egg on his face it felt so hot. He accepted help putting it on without a word. The right side of the main band slipped through the other side and then pulled back and clipped onto three fastenings on the same side. After that part was in place a strap was slipped through a rectangular metal thing on each side of the front and fastened in two spots on the back so that they crisscross in a way that he guessed was supposed to make it sturdier.” It magically stays clean so he doesn’t have to remove it. “Slytherin Estates- Gaunt Shack; Slytherin Manor; vaults 3,76, 102 […]Gryffindor Estates- Godric's Hollow; Gryffindor Manor; vaults 2, 113, 437, 604 […]Perevell Estates- Perevell Cottage; Green Valley Reserve; vaults 89, 215 […]Evans Estates- #23 Pudding Lane, vault #729 […]Potter Estates- Manor by the Sea, Forrest Manor, London House, Manor on the steps(spain), Manor on the Canal(Venice, Italy), vaults 394,621, 652 […]Heir to Black Estates […]Magic Inheritances: […]Magical Core(80% blocked by A. B. W. P. Dumbledore) […]Creature Languages(blocked by A. B. W. P. Dumbledore) […]Mermaid […]Magical Bonds and Spells: […]Compulsory Hatred of Severus Snape […]Compulsory Loyalty to A. B. W. P. Dumbledore  […]Compulsory Obedience to A. B. W. P. Dumbledore” Also, “When her sight returned she looked down her hand was healed and in it sat a necklace with five jeweled pendants in different metals. There was a gold gryphon with sapphire eyes, a coiled silver snake with emerald eyes, a rearing white gold unicorn with closed eyes, an odd looking triangular silver eye, and a seahorse twisted around lopsided silver cross with its head resting on one side, eyes closed, and white wings folded across its back.”
Connection to Canon: Harry gets the creepy crawlies, writes to the ministry about his ailment, gets an instant response, and has four days to prepare to become a possible merman. Then we get your typical route of Dumbledore stealing the money, but the Dursley family were being payed for his upkeep, the Weasley’s bribed for some unidentified reason, and Dumbledore had far more money than he could possibly ever use. He turns into a mermaid, finds out he was really born female. Harry’s completely fine with now being female until she has to go to the bathroom, and the writer makes way to big of a deal out of it.
Origin: Another “creature inheritance” fic which likes to defile the canon materials rules regarding mythological creatures just so the canon characters can become the coolest Gary Stus and Mary Sues ever.
Special Abilities: Harry “wondered how they could go around all high and mighty pretending to be “Purebloods” when they weren’t.” He’s able to heal.

Notes: I really wish creature inheritance fix would just die, but it’s another one of those fandom tropes which likely never will as those writing typically have no clue just how bad the fandom trope is.


He asleep one second and awake the next. Unsure what it was exactly that startled him from the first dreamless sleep he'd had in a long while he lay their listening to the early morning. He shifted slightly and realized what had woken him. His skin itched like mad. It felt like it had ants crawling all over.

Leaping from bed, he ran to the hall bathroom as quietly as possible locking the door behind him and immediately ran the shower on lukewarm. Harry climbed in with a soft moan of appreciation as the water soothed his irritated skin. Gently he used a soaped washcloth over his upper back. He felt his skin move and peel away from his body, but the feeling of the cloth against his new skin was odd. Kind of slippery, actually.

After he set the cloth down, he carefully touched the area that felt different. Scales. Scales! Scales?! He scrambled out of the shower and turned his back to the mirror. His skin was bubbling and hanging from his back in ragged strips while dark blue and gold scales lined his spine. Climbing on the edge of the tub so that he could see lower when he realized it wasn't just his back, it was everything below his belly button. As he continued to pull away dead skin more and more scales showed, and he realized they weren't just blue and gold, they were green scattered amongst the rest. He wondered if he was somehow changing into a snake, a colorful one. How can one just turn into a snake.

Very suddenly he heard the others in the house begin to move around and tried not to panic. Throwing on his clothes he rushed to clean up his mess and make it back to his room before the others came knocking. Once in his room he searched his meager closet for something that would cover everything, finally settling on a baggy long-sleeve and sweats. After rushing down stairs, Harry started on breakfast all the while panicking despite his best efforts- not that the other noticed. He could have been on fire and the wouldn't have noticed or at least not cared.

He wasn't allowed breakfast, because he burnt some of the pancakes in the midst of his inner turmoil. Back upstairs he dug out some writing supplies, then doled out a quick request for books on creature transformations, creature inheritances, and magical diseases as soon as possible.

Once he had sent Hedwig off with a promise to sneak her some scraps, he hurried down to receive his chore list for the day.

rating - toxic, pb - taco-show, ct - mermaid (full), pf - creature inheritance, stu - harry potter

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