4129: The Ultimate Weapon - Harry, Sarah, Johnathan

Sep 06, 2017 21:07

Today we have a link of the day called Dudley's Revelation's by DoctorClaryPotterPendragon. I enjoyed reading the fic, but according to their profile the writer is only sixteen.

Title: The Ultimate Weapon
Perpetrator: Architect of Creation
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: Their avatar is of a green dragon big enough to swallow the tower of a ( Read more... )

b - speshul other, af - wandless magic (child mastery), ct - vampire (part), rating - toxic, am - psychic/mutant (non-canon), af - magical cores, b - speshul eyes, ct - demon (part/hanyu), ac - animagus, ap - academic pursuit, oc - wand (spheshul), ct - alien (part), am - elemental magic, pc - parasite sue, af - dual wand wielding, af - blood magic

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anonymous September 7 2017, 08:17:48 UTC
I'm wincing pretty hard at this. Firstly, how do muggles even get to Harry
first? So a murderous dark wizard walks into a house and starts shooting spells, doing what a murderous dark wizard does. Naturally, walking up to a house like that would be pretty much suicide. There's no way they would have known Voldemort would have failed. The prophecy wasn't exactly well known. Secondly, why does he have a second set of eyes? Wouldn't Lily, being a demon, also have a second set of eyes and everyone would have known about it? Actually, that raises a bigger question. Why would Voldemort attack the Potters in the first place? Originally, he chose Harry because he's also a half-blood. In this, I don't know what blood he's supposed to be (pre-serum). Thirdly, the canon defilement. There's so many things in here that don't need to be here. Seriously dude, acromantula silk core? At the very least, it should have been something grown off the body of the spider, not something you'd find littering the Forbidden Forest. There's no logic as to why anything happens and why anything extra exists, outside from the author attempting to make the story "cool."


yemi_hikari September 14 2017, 19:53:03 UTC
The writer's very young?

That's when I typically see writers doing the "cool" thing.


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