4117: New Girl On The Block - Stacei

Aug 24, 2017 02:49

Title: New Girl On The Block
Perpetrator: hpmcgonagallheart001
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: None
Summary: “Stacei, a new girl from America joins during the fourth year. She falls in love, has a mean step parent, and gets a pretty cool replacement for parents.”
Full Name: Stacei ... eventually McGonagall is her last name.
Species: One of the most cliché Sue’s out there. She's in Gryffindor, which is no real surprise when you realize she's meant to be paired with Harry.
Hair: She has “raven black hair” she can pull into a bun.
Eyes: She has blue eyes.
Markings: Nothing specific
Possessions: She wears glasses. She’s also got two step parents.
Connection to Canon: She arrives on the train and meets everybody, or at least everybody the writer thought to add to the first chapter. She makes a big deal about who Harry is, then spills her secrets. She rocks their world by standing up to Draco, but McGonagall goes so far as to say “let’s just say I think it will be wondeful having another Animagus around.” Sure… She has constant episodes of “woe is me, I’m going to break down in front of everybody because I’m so abused”, and then her step parents randomly decide to adopt her. It ends with her being happy, because now she’s got a new mom - Minerva, but a nice boyfriend despite no development what so ever in this almost 3k one-shot - sort of - where Harry falls for her.
Origin: The writer’s a newbie? Anyways, she’s from America, no surprise there because of the summary.
Special Abilities: She is an Animangus that gets to snuggle with one of the male characters. Specifically, she’s a “pup”. Not a cub, as you should refer to a wolf’s offspring.
Notes: I debated whether this was a newbie writer, or if this was some kind of troll. I decided that the writer was rather young, as a troll typically would be pushing for a response with their updates. She’s got an obsession with McGonagall which is kind of creepy as well.
Stacei was excited, she was in London for the first time. Now all she had to do was figure out how to get to platform 9 3/4. She went over to a nice looking woman with mostly ginger kids, one set of lean twins, and another ginger boy that looked to be about her age. "I know I am going to sound ridiculous, you're probably all muggles… do you know how to get to platform 9 ¾?" She asked. "Just run straight at the wall, between platforms 9 and 10. Is this you're first time to Hogwarts? I'm Mrs. Weasley by the way, this is Ron, Ginny, and the twins Fred and George." Molly said absolutely beaming. "Yes, but I'm a transfer student, from America. Fourth year, I absolutely can not wait." Stacei replied. She ran to the wall, and hoped onto another platform. "This is my fourth year too, Ron Weasley. Let's go find Harry and Hermione, I'm sure there already on the train." Ron said, introducing himself.

We were on the train, and I stepped into the car, nervous. "Hi I'm Stacei, I'm going to assume you're Harry and you're Hermione." I said, looking at the two. The one was girl with brown curly hair, thin, and the other was a skinny dark haired boy with round rim glasses. I sat down next to Harry and looked at him closer. "Blimey! You're that Harry! You're Harry Potter! By Merlin's beard, you're the boy who lived!" I said noticing his scar. He nodded and smiled. "Now I might as while tell you three, since I think I can trust you three, I am a padmat. Please don't freak out." I said nervous, the two boys only got a confused look on there faces, but Hermione's mouth dropped. "Are you really? So you transfigure into… a wolf? That's super rare though isn't it?" Hermione said. "Yup. I'm going to head out of the car for a little bit, okay?" I said standing.

I opened the car door and bumped into a blond boy, about my age. "Ah, hello I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. I would open my arms to you, but I can already see you've fallen in with the wrong crowd. Besides people like you should be in cages. Padmat." He spat. I turned to head back into the car, but turned around unexpectedly and punched him in the face. "Don't you ever speak to me that way again, or next time you will lose an arm. You propered pansy!" I growled. Fred and George grabbed my arms to stop me from attacking him. I was fighting the twins to attack. "Let me kill him! That twisted BASTARD! YOU'RE GOING TO GET WHATS COMING TO YOU

MALFOY! THAT'S A PROMISE BITCH!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. All five of them pulled me into the car, and I began to cry. "What did he mean 'Padmat' what is that?" Fred asked. "It means I can transfigure into a wolf, normally that's used as an offensive term. I would have killed him right then and there, I don't care who saw. He was dishonoring me and my mother. No one ever is to dishonor her around me." I began crying. Harry put his arms around me, to console me. "What happened to your mother, if I may?" Hermione asked carefully. "She was killed, but no one knows by whom. She wasn't killed by you-know-who though, that was for certain." I said crying.

pw - woobie/cry for me, be - blue eyes, pc - b swanitis, rating - awful, bh - black hair, je - student (transfer), ac - animagus, or - eyeglasses

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