4110: Diary of a muggle which - Cory Dursly

Jul 15, 2017 20:39

Title: Diary of a muggle which
Perpetrator: Princess cat 67
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: The writer’s avatar is a stuffed animal which is a bunny.
Summary: “Cory Dursly gets accepted into hogwarts and gets taken in buy her aunt and uncle”
Full Name: Cory Dursly
Species: n/a
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Possessions: She has a brother named Richard. She also gets from her grandmother, “it was this diary a red cover with an orange spine,” for her birthday. She has a “favorite white shir with an eagle on it ,a denim skirt and my red high tops.” Lily has “a big pink bow, blue dress and red Mary Jame shoes. That is Lily alright she is so girly she always finds an excuse to dress up.” Harry has a flying car. Lily got a pink pygmy puff and Cory got a Doverman puppy. (Um, okay.) The dogs name is Calypso.
Connection to Canon: She gets her letter, is kicked out of the Dursley house, buys a wand of “10 inch pine with a unicorn hair” from a goblin.” She constantly whines through the two posted chapter about how Dudley said she wasn’t his daughter, but it doesn’t help chapter three repeats chapter two. Then she gets on the train, and the girl she met at Diagon Alley is Sophie Malfoy, and she has a rabbit.
Origin: The writer completely forgot that the Dursley family got along better with Harry after the end, yet the Sue is still called a freak by Dudley. Letters also don’t arrive on birthdays.
Special Abilities: The existence of the character makes Dudley regress back to the bully he was at the start of the first books.

Notes: I suspect another young writer here, maybe a troll


Grandpa's face turned turned purple grandma fainted. Mum told me and Lily to go to my room for a adult talk. Dad stormed into my room " CORY I KNEW YOU WERE A FREAK YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO THE DURSLEY NAME GET PACK A BAG GET OUT NOW I DON'T HAVE A DAUGHTER " dad screamed at the top of his lungs. I packed a pillow case and went into my aunt and uncles car the ride took three hours.

rating - awful, oc - pet (spheshul), related to the dursleys, pw - text-block-of-doom, related to the evans, pw - ron the death eater

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