4104: A Weapon He Didn't Have Before - Rose

Jul 07, 2017 23:15

TITLE: A Weapon He Didn’t Have Before
PERPETRATOR: sarasurusxo
SUMMARY:”Rose used to be friends with Draco Malfoy, but that was before he confirmed all her worst fears about his Blood Status prejudices. 5 years later, after Voldemort's return, she finds herself reconnecting with her old friend, and maybe just saving him from himself. Will be Draco/Harry and Ginny/OC with Ron/Hermione.”
SPECIES: She’s a vampire.
CONNECTION TO CANON: Pretty much the one and only chapter which is up dishes over what happens during the first five years rather than giving us character development, but then we get a very bland plot which really doesn’t do anything. They listed off numerous ways Rose interrupted the plot, like helping to fight a troll. She gets upset because she’s not crushing on Lockhart, which is supposed to be some kind of sign she’s gay. (It’s not.) For some reason her existence within fandom is enough for Draco to regret the fact “he almost got Buckbeak killed”. Then, “the Beauxbatons girls come to Hogwarts, and Rose finally realized who she was.” (That’s kind of problematic as well, considering the Beauxbatons are Vella.) Instead of Harry falling for Cho, it was Ginny. Regarding Hermione, “Ron grew jealous of her infatuation with Viktor Krum.” (Nice way to look over the fact Ron was the problem, not Hermione, but turning her into the problem.) Harry wants to take Draco to the ball, not Cho.
ORIGIN: I’m trying to figure that out.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Draco and Harry are to end up with each other, but their feelings started first year. (That doesn’t really match up with canon.) Later on, same goes for OC and Ginny. She’s also a vampire. Why? Not really said. Possibly because it is cool. “Second year was the one with Gilderoy Lockhart. It was the year Rose started to feel different for not falling in love with him on sight.” Sorry Suethor, but this does not mean your character is gay. Even though Hermione Granger wasn’t able to see beyond his charm, that doesn’t mean other heterosexual females aren’t able to. There’s also something called a-sexual, plus the fact when a girl hits puberty differs. Her boggart was herself. (Sure, but why? Remus’ is technically himself, but it came out as the full moon, so please.) Lupin is her favorite Professor because they're similar.

NOTES: On top of the fact the name Rose tends to get a bad rep due to one or two Rose Potters who’ve gained infamy from the Rose Sues in them, but after the seventh book, Rose was the name of a canon character. Why people give canon character names to OCs, I don’t know. The idea that the canon character is actually named in canon after the character, or that the canon character is named after them works, but you’ve got to make it work. Actually, don’t ignore the canon as you write. I’m all for adding representation into fanfiction, but don’t do it by changing the characters without proper character development. The title indicates there is something special about her as well, something I can't yet place.


First year was the one Rose was sorted into Gryffindor. She fought a troll, and tried to keep her friendship alive with Draco Malfoy even with his prejudices towards her new friends. It was the year she met Hermione Granger, who would grow to be her best friend. It was the year she met Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, who would become more important to her than she ever imagined any boys ever could be. First year was when Harry Potter met Draco Malfoy, and felt the first stirrings of something that wasn't just rivalry. It was the year Harry finally found out how his parents died. It was the year Rose finally told someone other than Draco that she was a Vampire, and it was the year her parents finally told her how she was made.

Second year was the one with Gilderoy Lockhart. It was the year Rose started to feel different for not falling in love with him on sight. It was the year she met Ginny Weasley. It was the year Harry first felt the hatred of his peers when they thought he was the Heir of Slytherin. It was the year she was terrified she would lose someone she loved when Hermione was petrified. It was the year she and her friends made it into the Chamber of Secrets to save Ginny, and Harry freed Dobby the house elf. It was the year Draco showed his true colours to Rose when they were disguised by Polyjuice potion, and she cut him out of her life. It was the year Hagrid went to Azkaban, the same place the con man who turned her is currently imprisoned.

Third year was the year Harry could have been part of a family that loved him, and had it ripped away from him. It was the year Rose met Professor Lupin, who made her feel like less of a monster, and taught her that being dangerous didn't mean she couldn't be kind. It was the year Peter Pettigrew came back, and Harry learned how he betrayed his family. It was the year Draco realized he almost got Buckbeak killed, and for once felt the impact of his actions. It was the year Lupin taught Harry to cast a Patronus, and it was the year she found out her boggart was herself.

Fourth year was the year the Beauxbatons girls came to Hogwarts, and Rose finally realized who she was. It was the year of quiet rushed encounters in broom closets, and hurried assurances to keep each others secrets. It was the year Ginny fell for Cho Chang, and the year Cho Chang fell for someone else. It was the year Ron and Hermione spent the most time alone together, when he wasn't speaking to Harry, and Ron grew jealous of her infatuation with Viktor Krum. It was the year Harry wondered about who he wanted to take to the Yule ball, and was surprised at the name in his head. It was the year of Draco and Blaise, who challenged all Draco knew about what it meant to be Pure Blood. It was the year Cedric died, and part of their innocence along with him. It was the year Voldemort came back, and everything changed.

Fifth year

Rose shared a room with Hermione for the last few weeks of the summer at Grimmauld place, and they gossiped. They grew closed that summer than any other before it. With Hermione telling her every detail of her letters to Krum, and Rose finally sharing with Hermione how she had come to know her Beauxbatons pen pal Sophie. Hermione was supportive, as she knew she would be, but more than that she treated the revelation as normal. She asked questions Rose would have expected her to ask about any boy, and kept quiet around all the others. Rose appreciated this more than anything else Hermione could have done.

"I can't believe the summer is almost over. Only two more days till we go back." Rose sighed from her spot sprawled out on the floor.

"I know, I wonder what it's going to be like. After everything." Ron was perched above her on Hermione's bed with Harry sat beside him. Hermione appeared at the door and sat on Rose's bed.

rating - awful, p - sue what plot? swp, pc - parasite sue, ct - vampire (full), pc - lesbians and more

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