4098: chasing way the nightmares - Luna, Xenophilius and Ithaca Fiaca, Cho

Jun 18, 2017 22:00

TITLE: chasing away the nightmares , which is a rewrite of this Not so different after all
PERPETRATOR: sonickidds
COVER/BANNER ART: The writer’s avatar is Toph from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
SUMMARY:”Luna is forced to deal with many hardships in her life, from her father to the bullies at school. Will her friends be able to help make her life better? Or will she wind up taking it? Child abuse, suicide, hurt/comfort.”, Luna is abused by her father, and tormented by her fellow peers. then one day she decides to end her life. will Harry be able to keep her from a early grave?
FULL NAME: Luna Lovegood, Xenophilius Lovegood, Ithaca Fiaca
SPECIES: two canon characters and the OC that turned them OoC just to be hero
HAIR: “….raven-dark hair…”
EYES: “…eyes like vanilla…”
MARKINGS: “…dark skinned, Ravenclaw girl…”
POSSESSIONS: The control over the canon characters minds twisting them into unrecognizable messes.
CONNECTION TO CANON: We’re supposed to believe that Xenophilius abused Luna. It’s bad enough when they make the parents of characters like Hermione OoC, but this honestly takes the cake and shot it up to the Toxic rating. One of the people who bullies Luna is Cho, going so far as to use an unforgivable curse.
ORIGIN: From the summary, I’m guessing Luna Lovegood has an abusive family life. The summary for the second story proves this. Ithaca is there to rescue Luna.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Making the Lovegood family totally OoC just so that Ithaca can become the hero.

NOTES: When you turn good characters bad like this, it’s like using the unforgivable curse on them. That’s what I thought when Cho used such a curse on Luna. What’s really sad is you’ve got readers saying, “your Cho is inventively sadistic, and quite an interesting change from the usual Chos you see in fanfic, who tend to be weepy, or in some Luna-centric ones) merely low-grade bullies.” No, it’s not.


For the first time that year, Luna Lovegood stepped through the large oak doors of Hogwarts. It was her fourth year at Hogwarts, and she loved being back to the place she called home - especially as her own home was not exactly welcoming. Luna wandered through the crowd of students, ignoring the odd stares that were directed at her.

All around her, people were busy talking and gossiping about their summer, and most were beginning to shuffle off to the Great Hall so the Sorting could begin. Luna had just started to head in that direction, when out of the crowd, she heard someone call out her name.

"Hey, over here!" the girl shouted at her, waving enthusiastically. Luna smiled and waved back, weaving through the crowd to get to her only friend, Ithaca.

Luna had known Ithaca since second year, from when she transferred from a American school. Ithaca had approached Luna on the train, wondering why she was alone, and Luna explained why everyone kept away from her. People abandoned Luna because she told of fantastic creatures. Ithaca thought that was a stupid reason to outcast someone, she even thought a few of them might exist, and sat with her. After that, the two had quickly become close friends.

Ithaca was a well-known joker. She was a thin, dark skinned, Ravenclaw girl with raven-dark hair and eyes like vanilla. Most people, including Luna at first, thought she was blind because of her pale eyes. However, few students ever tried to bother her, or Luna when the two were together, for her pranks were said to rival even those of Fred and George. The only one who dared bother Luna when she was anywhere near Ithaca was was Cho Chang - but as said before, Ithaca was definitely not someone to mess with.

Ithaca ran excitedly towards Luna and enveloped her in a tight hug. However, when she saw Luna wince in pain, she immediately let go, frowning in concern. "Luna…are you…"
Luna nodded sharply, cutting her off.

Here is a sample from the original.

Luna's P.O.V

I walked threw the hallways of Hogwarts, it was my free period. Having nothing better to do, I went into a deserted wing, hid in a classroom, and closed the door. I pulled out my wand and muttered a glamor spell on myself. I pulled out a mirror, to check to see if any of my cuts where showing. All I saw was my pail skin, but no marks. I checked my arms and and legs, making sure I had done the spell correctly.

The reason for me having cuts was simple, I was beaten. By who your asking, well it was the insane editor of the quibbler, the person no one took seriously, or would expect would do such a thing. my father. It started when I was nine.
And another sample from the original.

Soon I arrived in the dungeons. I took a seat next to Ithaca Fiaca. She was my only friend. But a great one. I trusted her with my life and my secret.

"hey Luna, how have you been? You get any sleep." she had a concerning look.

"yeah, I got some sleep" that was a lie, but right now it fooled her.

"good. So did you do your report for professor Snape?"

"yes, I have it right here." I pulled out my report and put it on my desk.

Snape walked, and turned his cloak dramatically. "class today you will be making a potion to pull someone from near death, closer to the living. This is a very difficult potion. He waved his hand, and instructions appeared on the black board

rating - toxic, sue - luna lovegood, pc - b swanitis, stu - xenophilius lovegood

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