4097: You'll Just Have To Bite The Bullet This Time Rose - Rosalie "Rose" Herald

Jun 15, 2017 20:44

Flashback Sue

TITLE: You’ll Just Have To Bite The Bullet This Time Rose
COVER/BANNER ART: Their avatar is an iced coffee from Starbucks.
SUMMARY:”They say when one door closes, another one opens. But Rosalie just seems to be trapped in Hogwarts with a certain other who just happens to hate her guts!-Hurt/Comfort for later on in story! Draco MalofyxRosalie Herald”
FULL NAME: Rosalie "Rose" Herald
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
POSSESSIONS: The Malfoy Manor apparently has rec-room. She also gets a letter her fifth year.
CONNECTION TO CANON: She moves into the Manor because her mother doesn’t want Draco to be alone over the summer and suddenly Rosalie is all woe is me. In chapter three she finds out that she is being transferred to Hogwarts. Why? She’s transferred because the writer can, not because there is actually a logical reason. Chapter four is called, “Ridiculously Hot French Girl”. Chapter five sees her “still extremely angry towards her parents and thought about owling Hogwarts to cancel her attendance. But knowing the beating she would receive when her parents found out, she just owled a note saying she would be there.” Except, I don’t buy it. In the chapter with her sorting, she is whining about how she was going to be a prefect at her old school, and her parents talk about inviting her old friends, making the whole idea of abuse questionable. She gets sorted into Slytherin, but Rosalie decides to sit with Ravenclaw and Pansy rightly chews her out. (She wants to tell Pansy that she belongs in Hufflepuff.) Instead, she says that the reason she likes sitting at Ravenclaw is because “It is much farther from you and that skunk spray you call perfume. This isn’t the first time she’s bullied Parkinson and Greengrass, and Pansy retorts about her fail at Quiditch earlier. Umbridge calls her out - which is OoC, but also ironic because an adult is doing what an adult should do, but is in the right. The last chapters are a masquerade ball this year.
ORIGIN: Random OC is stuck spending the summer with Draco Malfoy. This is despite the fact “Draco’s parents are supposed to be on a third honeymoon in Japan, all summer long.” She’s also packing stuff into the attic, which really doesn’t make much sense. She honestly comes across as an entitled brat who wants to get her way, and then plays the victim when she’s really not.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: According to her, he’s “the only one worse then You-Know-Who himself”. She has an “unusually healthy knowledge on the unforgivable curses”. Her “bad” points are supposedly countered by the fact she takes Muggle Studies and is supposedly “anti-Slytherin” and “anti-pureblood”.

NOTES: I want to strangle the Sue. I do, I do. Oh, and why are you writing the pairing in the summary to include the name of your OC? It's not as if people are going to look for your OC specifically.


Rosalie's story isn't a pretty one. Sure, she's nice looking. A few decent boys look her way and she acknowledges them. Not to mention she is a wonderful student at Beauxbaton Witchcraft Academy for Girls. Her friends are wonderful as well. Rosalie is an only child who comes from a wealthy family with parent's who love her. But that's where the problem comes in. They love her, and it only make's life harder in the end. Especially, when she feels like stabbing them in the back.

Her memories are the things she treasures. They remind her of who she is, where she's from, and that she is the one making her life what it is... kinda. She treasures her memories, except of course, for those that contain him. He is the son of Rosalie's father's closet friend, or as she often says, the only one who she has a loathing for that she doesn't quite understand, and the same seems to be said for him.

What makes it worse is that it's his fault she is trapped in Herald Manor all summer long.

"Rosalie dear, listen. Your father and I have been called away for an emergency meeting with the French Ministry. I'm afraid you will have to greet Draco your self. I'm sorry."

That's right. Him. The only one worse then You-Know-Who himself... well, maybe not… But Draco's parents are supposed to be on a third honeymoon in Japan, all summer long. His father doesn't exactly trust Draco alone, not that anyone would blame him for it. So Rosalie's father offered to let Draco stay there at Herald Manor. That wouldn't normally have bothered her as much as it is. But Rosalie and her friends had been planning a trip to New York City for a little muggle style shopping for the past eight months. To her dismay, Rosalie's mother is a hospitable person. She is making her stay home to keep Draco company.

rating - awful, je - student (transfer), pc - relationship sue, pc - jerk/anti sue

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