3968: Ophelia or Muse series - Ophenial Pomfrey

Aug 21, 2016 20:53

- The link of the day is A very ling rant about stupid Fanfiction reviewers.
- Flashback Sue
- Don't forget about the Sorting Hat.

TITLE: Cactuses and Heart-Shaped Ballons, Black Holes and Revelations, Resistance, Drones.
COVER/BANNER ART: I didn't pay attention, what with five works to look over.
SUMMARY:”Valentine's Day 1997- Ophelia Pomfrey, the young healer's intern, isn't quite sure how to spend this romantic day when you're boyfriend is the ever-negative and mysterious Severus Snape. A pure fluff one-shot based off of my "Ophelia" Series, starting with "Black Holes and Revelations". Snape/OC- please review!”, Ophelia Pomfrey is the daughter and intern of Hogwart's matron. Unsure of who she is and what she wants in life, she finds herself through a friendship with the golden trio, and a dangerously intimate relationship with Severus Snape, who she realizes is more complex than anyone could imagine. OC/Trio Friendship, OC/Snape. Takes place in HBP and beyond. R&R!, Sequel to Black Holes and Revelations. Ophelia Pomfrey, nineteen year old healer in training, is pregnant with Severus Snape's child. Bitter and angry about his betrayal and murder of Dumbledore, she knows she can't trust anyone anymore. Nevertheless, she sets out with the trio to find the horcruxes that will end Voldemort's wrath. OC/Snape, Harry/Ginny, Hermione/Ron. Please R&R!, The third instalment of the "Black Holes and Revelations" series. Healer Ophelia Pomfrey is twenty years old and on the run with the trio. After heartbreak and the loss of her child, all she can do is hope that she can help destroy Voldemort before he gets to her and her friends. Takes place during Deathly Hallows and beyond. Snape/OC, Hermione/Ron, Ginny/Harry. Enjoy!, and The 4th instalment in the "Muse" series! Ophelia Pomfrey faced all her greatest fears during the war, and now she's finally safe and happy. Working as the Hogwarts matron, being with the man she loves, and the friends she cares about is all she needs. But this year will be the year she discovers so much about herself and her family. Post-DH, Snape/Oc, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione.R&R!.
FULL NAME: Ophelia Pomfrey
SPECIES: Snape's lover.
HAIR: “Her golden blonded hair was typically in a messy bun atop her head, and her face, spattered with freckles, hardley ever had makeup on.”
EYES: “doe eye”
MARKINGS: Ophelia is also nineteen around Valentine's 1997. This means she was born in 1978, when Severus Snape was born in 1960.
POSSESSIONS: Nothing specific other than an evening dress she uses like sports clothes, which makes my eyes roll.
CONNECTION TO CANON: The summaries and origins I think really cover this one quite well really. I started reading the first chapter, and found it hard to believe Snape would fall in love with this girl, particularly with how in Love with Lily he is, as their first interaction in the story is far from romantic. Apparently her misbehavior can get Ravenclaw to lose points, when instead it would lose her the internship she has. She gets detention. She tries to force Harry and company to be her friends as well. Snape of course becomes OoC just so she can be paired with him. Ophelia also serves the purpose of Parasite Sue, so when she's not in a romantic situation with Snape, she's running around doing squat in the actual canon. I think the summaries do the rest of this justice.
ORIGIN: “This (very) short one-shot that takes place during "Black Holes and Revelations" (the first story in the "Ophelia" series). It takes place on Valentine's Day of 1997, when Ophelia (my OC) and Snape were still a couple. This would take place about a month and a half into their relationship, so they were still very in love, and not having to deal with any trust problems yet. Please feel free to check out the "Ophelia" series through my profile, or just enjoy this piece on its own :)”
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She's eighteen years younger than Snape, was his former student, but also manages to catch his attention despite the fact he's in love with Lily. She's also a Parasite Sue tagging along with the canon plot during at least the seventh book. (I say this having not gotten into the actual fanfic yet. She was in Ravenclaw



Ophelia Pomfrey frowned, as she walked through a string of pink and red streamers, which hung across the doors to the Great Hall.

She batted the balloons away, as they cascaded down from the ceiling, like festive rain drops.

As she sat down at the Gryffindor table, she nodded at Hermione, who was sporting a fuzzy pink jumper.

"It really is Valentine's Day then, isn't it?" Ophelia commented mildly, helping herself to a piece of toast.

Hermione, looking down at her outfit, blushed a little.

"It's not like I'm celebrating it, I just thought I'd…," the curly-haired girl trailed off, looking down at Ron, who had Lavender attached to his side.

"You look nice," Ophelia added, feeling bad for her cynicism. She'd just never really seen the appeal of such a…well, tacky day.

"We single girls have to stick together," Hermione feebly joked. Ginny was also occupied, sitting with Dean.

"Right…," Ophelia couldn't help but let her eyes wander to the head table, where Severus was grudgingly munching on something. He must have been lost in thought, for he did not meet her gaze.

Ophelia had planned on letting the day unfold as any other Friday would. She would finish her breakfast, spend the morning helping Severus out in his classes, spend the afternoon helping her mother in the infirmary, then spend her evening with her friends.

Although it seemed like her only available friends were Harry and Hermione, who were both in rather terrible moods.

jc - healer, related to other, ph - ravenclaw house, rating - toxic, pc - parasite sue, pc - relationship sue

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