3658: Terrible Things with Beautiful Melodies - Clytemnestra Potter

Aug 07, 2016 16:13

- The link of the day is Rana Bob's Field Guide to Mary Sues.
- Flashback Sue
- Don't forget about the Sorting Hat.

TITLE: Terrible Things with Beautiful Melodies
PERPETRATOR: SkullFeather3063
COVER/BANNER ART: The writer's avatar is of a guy and sushi.
SUMMARY:”Clytemnestra Potter killed herself after watching everyone she cared for die. What she didn't expect was to wake up in Maurauders era, with a note attached inside her robe "save them". Now, she has to use all her Slytherin traits to out smart the wizard who started it all.”
FULL NAME: Clytemnestra Potter
SPECIES: She's a Sue who should have remained dead.
HAIR: “She walked to the bathroom with sleepy eyes and messy hair. She had inherited that from her father and she was struggling with it ever since. She couldn't even remember how many combs and hair brushes she got stuck in her hair, or that she had to charm them to be extra strong so they wouldn't break.”
EYES: Didn't want to look.
MARKINGS: “She also lend her a set of ankle-strapped high heels, also black. She put her make-up according to that, using little bit dark green eye shadow, black eyeliner, and blood red lipstick. She also fixed her eyebrows to look like she is about to take over the world.”
POSSESSIONS: She's got a horribly cocky attitude, but then the writer seems to think she's a solution to everything rather than not. “They spend their whole day like this, shopping for her. They got her the Quidditch supplies she needed. They shopped for impressive amount of clothing and sexy undergarments. She bought herself some make-up supplies, general beautify products and all. She got all the potion supplies needed, the best this era had to offer. She also got herself a new owl, it was black from head to toe, and she named her Sea Witch. She was pretty much done about shopping but she was very hungry. It was almost 2pm.”
CONNECTION TO CANON: She's just there. Dumbledore accepts her with to much ease. She gets to go into Slytherin with no explanation. She also gets a nice shopping trip in the first chapter. We get to know about her dressing habits, as if that were actually important. In chapter two she kills Peter. (Apparently he's now one of the Dark Lords followers before he even left school.) “She kept her story true was possible, and it hurt her to say nice things about Peter but she had no heart to tell the boys the boy was a traitor.” Regulus eventually finds out, and Sirius is his boyfriend. He sides with her despite the fact she is insane and honestly worse than Voldemort. Yes, the good guys are falling for her tactics.
ORIGIN: The writer thought it would be a good idea to have a time traveling Sue whose Harry's uber cool sister who can solve all the non-existent problems within the fandom. She goes all the way back to the Marauder time frame. In the forth chapter, “both boys noodded, still looking at her like she was the victim. She really hated that look. It made her feel small and more damaged than she was.” (Please. If she didn't think she was a victim, she wouldn't be on this revenge trip of hers.)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She's got a split personality, and not because the writer thought it was cool, but because the writers characterization skills are that bad. The Sue goes from having suicidal thoughts and killing herself to being calm and controlled with no signs of depression what so ever. She does however possess a major sob story that she tells Dumbledore with way to much ease, but there is also the fact she's way to easily accepted by Dumbledore. Add to this, she's Super Sue, doing things even Harry Potter never did. Oh, and she's always right.

NOTES: The chapters for this fic average out to be over 10k with 4 chapters and over 40,000 words.

Talk about a Sue that shouldn't even exist.


She was sitting at Dumbledore's office sipping her tea, waiting for him to start talking. Her legs were crossed neatly, her posture was straight. It has been only two hours since she was released from hospital wing but she looked nothing like how they found her. Dumbledore said that she was found in Slytherin common room, suddenly appearing out of nowhere with injuries on her. She was told that she was wearing Slytherin robes, and pretty much looked dead. After she was rushed to the hospital wing by one Lucius Malfoy, she had slipped into a coma like state until couple hours ago.

"Well Miss…?"

"Potter." She put her tea cup down "Clytemnestra Potter."

"Very well Miss Potter, could you please explain how you managed to get inside?" Dumbledore looked at her with questioning eyes.

"I was in the common room, it was May of 2nd 1998. I took a potion that I brewed a long time ago, just for that occasion. Baneberry. As you know it was to kill me but I ended up here for some reason. I believe my potion was changed by something rather similar but I do not recall any potion that causes…shall we say? Time travel."

While listening Clytemnestra, Dumbledore looked rather pensive, he nodded several times but his mind seem like somewhere else. Then he reached to inside pocket of his robe and took out a crumbled piece of paper. He handed the small paper to Clytemnestra.

"It dropped from inside of your robe." He urged her to read the paper, which fallowed: Save them.

She looked at the hand writing but it didn't belong to anyone she knew. It was a neat handwriting, almost like hers but the way the writer wrote letter "a" was different from hers and at the end of "m" there was a tail.

"Seems like someone got into a lot of trouble to bring me back here." She slowly smiled at him, it was a cold smile.

She had never liked Dumbledore. She respected him, his magical abilities, and his opinions. But she never liked him, or trusted him. Not with her life, and certainly not with Harry's life, but right now Dumbledore was her only option. Just for now, until she could make her own connections.

"By coming here you have already changed everything, so I don't see any harm in telling what future was like."

She considered the option for a while, she could of course tell him everything but she liked to keep her cards very close to her chest. In the end she decided to tell him only what was essential and what she thought he should know.

"There was a prophecy about a child who was to bring Voldemort's end. His followers start searching for this sweet summer child. Eventually narrowing down to three. Me, my brother Harry, and Neville. Voldemort came to our house and killed my parents James and Lily Potter. Because of my mother's love, Voldemort's curse back fired and killed him on the process. Then enters Severus Snape, my adoptive father, he kidnapped me. Sort of. He knew about Voldemort's Horcruxes, and he decided I was the baby to stop him upon his return. Fast-forwarding for couple years, I come to Hogwarts, sorted into Slytherin. First year my brother murders a DADA teacher who was trying to murder him. Second year, I find a basilisk hidden in girls bathroom, we become friends but Harry also killed him. Third year, I saved Sirius Black from receiving the kiss alongside with my brother and his two friends. Fourth year Voldemort returned, so I inserted my spies into his organization. By spies, I mean my friends who happened to have death eater parents. Fifth year, was a lot of crazy thing on Harry's side but I managed to stay calm and start my search for his Horcruxes. Sixth and Seventh year went pretty much the same for me. I did some spy work, get to meet Voldemort in person. During the last battle -the day I died- he killed my brother, my godfather, his wife, and few of my friends. I was supposed to kill him but that obviously didn't happen. He took over, I escaped, I attempted to end my life. Well here is all you need to know."

related to the potters, ac - time travel, rating - toxic, pc - bloodwrath hufflepuff

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