3600: Some Good Old Southern Charm - Emmylou

May 06, 2016 22:18

- The link of the day is Naruto fanfic: Character specific cliches to avoid?. I love this line. “Worst case scenario also includes copious amounts of OOC or character decisions that make you scratch your head and go "eh?"”.
- Flashback Sue

SUMMARY:”Emmylou is just your normal, average, hard working American girl. Expect… she's not! She is a wizard and some how becomes the hostess to a John Doe who cannot seem to do anything for him self. And to make matter worse, she may or may not be falling for said John Doe. Her life could not get any more complicated.”
FULL NAME: Emmylou
SPECIES: “She was a nurse at a small Hospital in Rome, Georgia”.
ORIGIN: “Hello everyone! Well this is one of my first stories to write. I really like this story and I am very excited about it. I don't know what made me think this story up, but it start out going to be a one short thing I keep going ideas so now it's going to be longer. I really hope you like this story, because that is the reason I write them! This first chapter is just a short intro, please don't just read this and give up on me. The next chapter is where the story really gets started, but I had to put the intro in here or you guys would not know what was going on. Well that enough of my rambling, so here is the story…”
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She's a muggle.

NOTES: Well, Rome, Georgia is a real place. That said, I really wonder why the writer picked this place of all places. I know the writer wants the readers not to quit on them after the first chapter, as that's “just a short intro”, but I'm not going to go farther because the summary screams this is going to be more like original fiction than fanfiction, and Emmylou seems like a major self-insert. Can the writer possibly change things though? Maybe, but it is a first fic for them, so it's a matter of good luck I think.


James knew he was going down a path that his family was unhappy with. Yes, he is the star chaser for Puddlemere United, he can have any girl he wants, he has an amazing flat in central London (five bedrooms, 4 baths, a huge kitchen, a living room, and a study), and, even without his parent's money, he is rich.

But he went to clubs and came home with a different girl every night just to tell her to leave in the morning. He had not been to a weekly Sunday dinner at the burrow in three months and had not seen any of his family in about a month. Sometimes he would talk with Freddy (since they were flat mates) but never for long and never anything other thing "hey" or "see you later." The only people he every hung out with were his quidditch team.

But he had everything he ever wanted so he was happy, right?

The music was blaring when he entered the club. 'Just want I need to forget everything' thought James. Puddlemere United had just won another game; make them the only undefeated team. Which meant it was time to party.

jc - healer, p - not fanfic and/or crossover, rating - bad, e - american

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