3527: Showdown - Meggera Smith and Alexander Tepes

Mar 01, 2016 22:01

- The link of the day is When I'm reading a fanfic and my favorite character is acting really OOC.
- Flashback Sue

I had technical difficulties for the last entry where I thought I posted the entry, but actually didn't, so I held off until the first of the month to post the next entry. No, I couldn't figure out over the last few days why the entry didn't end up posted, but here is the rewrite of said entry.

R is for... RPG... third of the R's!

TITLE: Showdown
PERPETRATOR: VampirePrincessDarkness
SUMMARY:”A short story, set in the future based on a Harry Potter RPG. The main character's are Meggera Smith and her older brother Alexander Tepes. This story is a possible scenario about a confrontation with old family enemies.”
FULL NAME: Meggera Smith and Alexander Tepes
SPECIES: siblings
HAIR: If I recollect, Meggera's hair is blond, and long.
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: Meggera's brother gets stuck in the hospital. That's it.
ORIGIN: Change the canon words, and you've got original fiction.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She just got finished with a pregnancy. Is it just me, or does it seem like there is something more going on between the two siblings?

NOTES: This is one of those cases where the writer would have been better off just writing original fiction, because the writing doesn't seem bad, but I'm left wondering what this has to do with Harry Potter. And no, the fact they're the writer's RPF characters for the fandom doesn't count, as you can take an RPF/OC and put them into any fandom.


"You're gonna wish I had killed you first by the time I'm done with you." Nathaniel snarled, his angry face only a few inches from hers. Her breath caught in her throat at his murderous glare. She hadn't felt this terrified in a very long time. She yelped in pain as he threw her backwards into Drake who managed to catch her before she hit the floor again. "I outta kill both of you! But Dad always said never kill family so...you'll just have to do instead." he spat before the most peculiar expression came across his face. Sort of like he had suddenly forgotten what he was saying or about to do, before slumping down to the floor. Vincent fell a moment later with the same expression before Drake suddenly dropped her and apparated away with a loud crack.

She yelped when she hit the floor, cursing her broken hand and the several bruises she was sure she had accumulated during their rough treatment of her. She couldn't sit up fully, but she managed to roll onto her side to see what was going on. Her grandfather's head suddenly came into view over the two unconscious bodies.

"G-Gramps?" she managed to say, shocked, "Gramps...Alex is...he's.."

"Thats enough talking for now child. Your father is seeing to Alexander. Just lay still for now. Your husband told us you had gone missing without your wand last night, and about the letter." he said, coming fully into view. She watched as he waved his wand and levitated the two men away from her, ropes snaking their way around their unconscious forms. "Are you seriously injured?"

"I...I don't think so...I have a pretty good bump on my head and I'm fairly certain my left hand is broken. I think I'm ok other then that though." she said, wincing as she managed to push herself into a sitting position.

"Well, lets get you back to hospital with Alex." he said, pulling her up easily with one hand and steadying her as she was still sort of shaky on her feet. "Your husband will be meeting us there. I wouldn't let him come with us here." he added, guiding her over to where her father was preparing to apparate Alex to the hospital. They all apparated together a few moments later to St. Mungos.


p - not fanfic and/or crossover, rating - bad

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