3517: A True Love Is Never Wrong - Hermione ranger, April Ryan/Rayan

Feb 10, 2016 22:07

- The link of the day is Fanfic and character-bashing. The forum thread is very interesting.
- Flashback Sue

L is for... lesbians.

(Does anyone hear remember the time when the readers were called “lesbian minions” by chance? It was meant as an insult when the blog started by an irritated Suethor, but the readers fell in love with it. So this is a fitting choice for L.)

TITLE: A True Love Is Never Wrong
PERPETRATOR: april-rayan
COVER/BANNER ART: There is a picture of a person of unidentified gender., I think, with a tattoo on their right shoulder, which is revealed as their shirt is pulled down.
SUMMARY:”New rebellious transfer student with deep secret is looking for a place to start over. Then she meet with Golden Trio and instantly fall in love with Hermione. Will they be together, or the difference between them is to great? female OC/hermione. P.O.V. OC / P.O.V. Hermione. Lesbian/femslash”
FULL NAME: April Ryan, Hermione Granger (The writer spells April's last name as “Rayan” though, but that doesn't change her into a new character.
SPECIES: Possession Sues...
HAIR: See markings...
EYES: See markings...
MARKINGS: Here is what April is supposed to look like. I doubt the canon April has the “multiple earrings and shaved left side of the head” that the writer gives her. From April we get Hermione described as “With quite an attractive girl, if a have to speak the truth. Long brown hair was falling over her shoulders in the form of natural curls. Clear skin with a few freckles on her nose here and there. The slim, slightly upturned nose. And her eyes. Lovely big brown eyes. Not like mine. Instinctively I corrected my sunglasses afraid to let them slipped too far from the nose.” “April stood in the bathroom doorway. She wore a large black t-shirt with white skull printed on the chest and black shorts. Towel around her neck casually wiping the wet black hair.
"Hello Hermione," The girl smiled at me friendly. "We meet once again. I have a feeling that no matter how you tried to get rid of me it want be easy "”
POSSESSIONS: She's got an old quilt that belonged to an old lady with a cat.
CONNECTION TO CANON: The writer wants is to believe that the ministry of magic is putting together “an inventory of all gays and lesbians in the magic world”. She starts to leave after registering, and Hermione tells her to calm down, but April treats her in a rude manner. (Why would Hermione want to date someone whose rude to her like that?) In the second chapter we jump to a rather boring chapter of the character waking up, and then going to Madam Malkin's and jut lounging around as if she's part of the furniture. (The writer puts it this way, “I went through the room past few mannequins with robes. Leaned back on the couch standing in the corner, casually crossing my ankles and basing it on the back of the furniture.) Hermione and Ginny show up, and Ginny goes on about how hot April is despite it not being her thing, and Hermione talks about how the girl was rude to her. Hermione's having to replace her uniform because Ron burned it, and she finds out that April will be going and is already in Slytherin. (Suethor, why is she being sorted before she even gets to Hogwarts?) We jump in the third chapter to the train ride, and April is snide about Harry getting into the papers again. (Really?) Hermione runs into her again of course, and April has no problems. At this point we find out Umbridge shows up at the school, and I'm now even more not believing the registration for homosexuals, and find myself displeased with the fake conflict replacing the real conflict rather then balancing them out. McGonagaal tells Hermione not to “judge a book by the cover”. (Sorry, but Hermione's also judging April by the way she acted, so this phrase does not apply. Hermione would have, had she been in character, corrected her professor on her misuse of the quote. The chapter name of “Perfect Start” is a major joke.) Despite being in different houses, they are stuck rooming together. April then hits on Hermione, and their forced to share a bathroom.
ORIGIN: “April Rayan figure appeared many years ago when I first played PC game 'The Longest Yourney'. For many years it changed and matured along with me and it slowly became big part of me. […] I wrote a lot of different stories but the first that ever came to live is 'Love Knows No Limits' ( It's also my first Fanfic ever) […] English is not my native language so it's not easy for me to write story in it, but I like challenges so I just had to try.” The writer's claiming a canon character from another series as their own character. At the end of the first chapter we get these notes. “1. As you can see the relationship Hermione - April will be a little more complicated […] 2. Of course, it will be a story involving hate to Ron so at the beginning I want to warn all fans of this stupid redhead (Sorry Ron fans but ther is no room for the love for him). […] 3. I will try to make April more like a normal human being who has problems but also feelings. And fears as you have already noticed.” The writer is not succeeding so far on number one and three, and number two should be nixed from their story all together, as there is no reason to character bash Ron.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: The writer turned April Ryan into their personal self-insert. They pretty much admit it on the quote I posted in the origin's section which comes from the writer's profile. Do they realize they've admitted this? Not likely. The writer wants us to believe that April is prejudiced against because she's different, but the writer forces the concept onto the reader. Umbridge is the one doing the registration. April is rude, so I can't see Hermione ever getting together with her, so in turn I don't by this “true love” claim the writer puts forth in the title, and find it is better labeled as “tru luv”.

NOTES: Does somebody want to tell the writer that their story belongs under crossovers? It took me little effort to find out that April Ryan is a canon character from the The Longest Journey game, but the writer is sadly treating the character as an OC. Actually, I don't like the fact the writer is claiming April as their own character.

On the author's note at the end of the first chapter, the writer certainly has failed.

1. I wouldn't call the relationship between Hermione and April as complicated, but forced, as they are forced to room with each other. The story as I've already noted doesn't count as “true love” either, as April does nothing to respect Hermione in this story, and is allowed to get away with it. Hermione, canon Hermione, would never let that go.

2. Character bashing, I guess I could try digging up an article on the immaturity of doing this for today's link of the day, and a Flashback Sue which may have some kind of tie with Character Bashing.

3. I wouldn't say April's not a normal human, in the fact there are people in real life who are as self-centered as she is. The writer however has don't nothing to give April any real problems, and as for feelings, having the hots for Hermione doesn't count, nor does having an attitude problem.


April's P.O.V.

The Ministry of Magic was crowded. And was underground. Why do people build anything in these places?There is lack of space, sunlight and of course the air. Fresh air.

God, how I hate such places. Just before my nose flew a paper plane and the other almost got entangled in my spiky hair.

"Fuck" I cursed under my breath. Some witch turned and gave me a stern look, longer stopping at my multiple earrings and shaved left side of the head.

But I didn't pay attention to her continuing my tirade.

"Damn ministry and their damn rules. Soon they will do an inventory of all gays and lesbians in the magic world and then again I will have to stand in queues in that the bloody underground prison "

You can only imagine how pissing off was the documents that just gave me that creepy thick clerk. She was wearing a PINK suit from which my eyes still hurt, and the smell of her perfume remained not only in my nose but also on the .

Even the big red stamp in the middle of the document with the words: DANGER was not as annoying as the smile on her face, quietly promising me that WE WILL MEET AGAIN. That woman have some serious issues

rating - toxic, pc - bloodwrath hufflepuff, sue - hermione granger, pc - lesbians and more, p - crossover, sue - (other canon)

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