3480: Harry Potter and the Harem of Honeys - Harry and a bunch of females

Dec 11, 2015 22:54

I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. Accepting entries for the Thirteenth Annual Pottersues Contest.

Today's link of the day is The Harem: Slave Pen or Women's Powerhouse?
Here's another Flashback Sue

TITLE: Harry Potter and the Harem of Honeys
COVER/BANNER ART: None, well, the writer has an avatar with the golden snitch on it.
SUMMARY: Here is the summary from the summary box. ”Harry’s destiny has taken a sharp turn from what was intended. At age seven, he figures out that he can make things happen at will, like magic. He forms a gang of Dudley's female victims, who gather for mutual protection and later friendship. Together,” Now here is the summary found inside the fic. ”Harry's destiny has taken a sharp turn from what was intended. At age seven, he figures out that he can make things happen at will, like magic. He uses this ability to counter his bullying cousin, Dudley, and form a gang of his own. Harry's gang is composed entirely of female members - except of course for Harry himself. They band together to protect themselves from the Dursley gang, and form a life-long friendship that is almost like a family. When he received his Hogwarts letter, Harry James Potter is a strong, confident young man. A young man who takes his duty to protect his girls very seriously. Lucky for him, one of his girls has a cousin visiting at the time he receives his letter, and that cousin just happens to be a fifth year witch.”
FULL NAME: Harry Potter, Marie Caldwell
SPECIES: Harry is a super genius, Marie is the first member of his harem
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
POSSESSIONS: Knowledge beyond his years is the first issue. “The girls shared him as 'communal property', told him every secret, and shared every treat they received from their own parents. Young Harry was the beneficiary of dozens of allowances, birthday parties, and gifts from grandparents. The girls fixed his hand-me-down wardrobe, got him new glasses when needed, and ensured that he was properly fed for a change.” Later on we get this part. “Luckily for them, Harry and the girls had claimed the local park as their 'territory'. Woe befall any child or teen who disobeyed their rules for said 'turf.' That park was the cleanest, tidiest children's playground in all of London. It was also the safest, due to the magical wards and protections that Harry had places there - both intentionally and by accident. No bullies felt comfortable in that park, and no dangerous animals would go near it. The Dursley's absolutely hated the place. Oddly enough, snakes found it to be a haven, and not a one ever so much as hissed at one of the children who played there.”
CONNECTION TO CANON: Far from being based on the series, the writer takes the original characters and does more then deviate, but instead tosses the entire fandom into a blender for what amounts to obvious wish fulfillment. The first chapter starts off with Harry running away from his cousin - the point in canon where he ends up on the roof as a child. Instantly he knows it was him, and “sinking into a rough meditative state” he gets himself back to the ground. The girls at his school see this, and start worshiping him as if he were a god despite the fact, you know, would would spread, and the ministry would find itself forced to intervene despite the fact Harry's magic isn't yet traced. Fifth year Ella shows up, tells Harry everything, and then gets excited because she gets to kiss Harry Potter. (Creepy that this fifteen to sixteen year old isn't bothered about kissing an eleven year old with whom any relationship with could land her in jail as a pedophile. Next comes the shopping trip, and Harry learns everything including Care of Magical Creatures and Divination which are supposed to be third year courses. On the Hogwarts Express he runs into Draco and proceeds to label Draco as a homosexual. (You know, in reality Harry is the bully here.) All of the girls fall for Harry to, and Padma refurs to how “I always thought father had a way with the ladies. After all, he has a wife and two concubines. […] Hey! It's our custom. So, the idea of sharing a man isn't that unusual for me. Still, I believe that even Daddy would find Harry to be a gifted ladies man.”
ORIGIN: ”Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. […] Author's note: This is my first posted attempt at fanfiction. As such, the story will deviate from the books and movies. Hopefully, some of you readers will find it interesting, and possibly feel inspired to add your own variation of the Harry Potter story to this forum.” “Fate had planned a very different childhood for Harry Potter, but that path had long since passed. Instead of a lonely, downtrodden child, the nearly 11-year-old boy had an abundance of close friends. Not many people living on Privet Drive took note of the fact that every single one of his friends were female. Years ago, when his cousin Dudley had formed a gang of local thugs, Harry had prevented them from bullying the local girls. His efforts made him the head of an all-girl (except for Harry) gang that was many times larger than Dudley's. From that day forth, nearly every girl in the local school - and thus the neighborhood - looked towards Harry for friendship and protection. […] Friendship soon led to other things, as every girl in his gang learned to kiss with Harry. He became the target of their emerging feminine wiles, and he had soon learned enough to gently guide his many friends through their new emotions. His ability to accept without judgement earned their absolute trust and devotion. […] In return for all of that, he was their knight in shining armor. He placed himself between his girls and any of the local bullies, Dudley and his gang being the worst of the bunch. Using their teachings, he slowly developed control over his accidental magic. This, too, was turned to their benefit. With it, he could fix broken possessions, heal injuries, and take them on wonderful childhood adventures.”
SPECIAL ABILITIES: ”Warning: This story is being rated as mature. Come on, the word 'harem' is part of the title. I'm sure you can figure out where this is going...” Except 'harem' doesn't mean what a lot of the fanfic writers who write 'harem' fics think it does - a guy gets to have a ton of mindless sex with his gal pals, and they don't care. A harem story is actually any story where the words love triangle doesn't suffice to cover the number of possible choices for romantic interest for one character, though typically it means there is at least four. Makes me wish certain writers would get their head out of the gutter. “Chubby or thin, beautiful or plain... he treated them all the same. From Harry, his girls learned to be comfortable with themselves, and that eventually led to their possessing considerable self confidence. What neither Harry nor the girls knew was that Harry's emerging magic was aiding him in helping each of the girls change and grow. His power ensured that they would grow and evolve in ways that would refine their natural beauty, sharpen their young minds, and bring them strength that otherwise may never have become theirs. Eventually, this would lead to their giving birth to magical offspring, despite their non-magical natures. Harry's accidental magic would, in fact, slowly change them all into something never before seen in the wizarding world - muggle born squibs. […]
But that was the future. In the present, young Harry had several dozen girlfriends whose ages ranged from 8 to 12. They taught him (and one another) everything that they knew about their gender. They also shared any and all skills that they possessed, including the dance, yoga, karate, meditation, and other lessons that the various girls were taking.” Yup, you read that right. “In return for all of that, he was their knight in shining armor. He placed himself between his girls and any of the local bullies, Dudley and his gang being the worst of the bunch. Using their teachings, he slowly developed control over his accidental magic. This, too, was turned to their benefit. With it, he could fix broken possessions, heal injuries, and take them on wonderful childhood adventures.” No, they would actually find Harry creepy and consider him a pervert!

NOTES: I need to apologize to the writer due to the fact I can't stop laughing at how ridiculous this entire plot is. Thank god they never actually GOT to the M rated parts though, and since their story hasn't been updated since 2005, I doubt it ever will.


What happened next was a mystery, for he suddenly found himself on top of the school's roof. Now, how the bloody hell did he manage to jump onto the roof? Maybe a gust of wind caught him, filling Dudley's old sweat shirt like the sails of a sailing ship? No, that didn't make any sense. While his grades didn't reflect it (he was punished if his grades were better than Dudley's), Harry was a bright lad. The shirt could not have provided enough lift to raise him to the roof. Besides, he had move up in opposition to the prevailing winds. So, how had he gotten up here?

Calming himself, he sat down and reviewed exactly what had led up to this unusual event. While he was at it, he began to ponder some of the other unusual events in his life. Suddenly, he made a connection. Whenever he had felt very strong emotions, whether it was fear, anger, anxiety, or what have you, strange things happened. The kind of things that were so un-Dursley-ish, that he would receive extra harsh punishments. Somehow, someway, Harry was able to do things that no one else he knew could manage.

Magic things.

"I need to test this," he said to himself. "If I can learn to use this... power... at will, I will be free of Dudley and his gang." So, young Harry sat down on that roof, skipped his classes, and began to focus on his feelings. After all, the first step would be to purposefully draw out an extreme emotion, then use it to do something magical intentionally rather than accidentially.

Sinking into a rough meditative state, he started to work himself up by thinking about how his aunt and uncle would react to his being caught up on the roof. Memories of past beatings and punishments made it rather easy to work himself into a panic. Just as his fears reached their peak, he felt something... different. There was a strange tingling down his spine, like something was waiting to happen.

Quickly, he seized upon that feeling, and said, "I wish I was on the ground!" There was a soft 'pop' sound, and Harry found himself sitting in the exact same position he had been in on the roof, only now he was seated on the grass beneath an oak tree on the playground. "YES!" crowed the young wizard.

"How did you do that?" Harry jumped up, to find a girl about his age sitting in the branches of that oak tree. "You just appeared out of no where!" Looking closely, Harry saw that the young girl showed signs of the gang's attentions. She had a black eye, a split lip, and her dress was torn.

pt - harem, rating - toxic, pc - child genius, ap - athletic pursuit, ap - academic pursuit, stu - harry potter, ss - entire cast

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