Apr 28, 2007 02:30
So I told Josh i'm not ready for the responsibility of a boyfriend, and boy isn't that the truth. I really like him, he's such a great guy and everything but this summer i've got WAY to much going on...this entry will basically explain why I can't have a boyfriend... hoorah
Allright. I've got two paychecks this month. May 4th & May 18th, each equal around....$390 per check
May 4th paycheck ....
$25 for gas.
Brandis present ($90)
$50 for the Nelly Furtado Concert tickets
THEN i've got to touch up my nails & pedicure ($60)
white bathing suit ($35)
food ($30)
Mothers day present ($20)
-25 (gas)
-90 (brandis bday present)
-50 (concert ticket)
-60 (nails & toes)
-35 (bathing suit)
-30 (food)
-20 (mothers day)
I really can't be shopping just to shop because i've got to have some left over money for the next paycheck....
May 18th paycheck....
(if no money has been rolled over from previous pay pd)
i'm gonna give myself...370 to start off with.
hair redone ($140)
pritner ink (30)
gas ($25)
food (30)
Jacksonville trip ($100)
-140 (hair)
-30 (printer ink)
-25 (gas)
-30 (food)
-100 (jacksonville)
haha, hope I can stick to this & not go shopping just to go shopping...hopefully?!
so yeah month of may? super busy for me.
May 8th - Brandis 18th
May 13th - mothers day
May 21st - Graduation
May 22nd - Graduation party
May 26 - 30th - Jacksonville
May 31st - Nelly Furtado concert
Month of June is just as busy!!!!
Thank the LORD I get paid June 1st
Josh & his friends (different josh) comes down from GA to daytona first week of June. wooh! So i've got to have money for that...
I'm giving myself 100 to spend that week. So they'll be at dayonta June 2nd - June 7th.
Then! June 30th I'm leaving for connecticut & BOSTON mass till july 8th.
AND i get paid that friday right before i leave. oh thank heaven.
I need to request off...
May 21, 26,27.28,29,30,31st
(wow they're gonna hate me)
ANYWAYS off to the juicy stuff.
so I'm like yeah, Josh is a terrfically GREAT guy but i'm just not ready to make that commitment yet - like at all....so after this summer i'll see where it leads. hoorah.
IM FREAKING STARVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry i bored you with this entry - much love