(no subject)

Apr 14, 2007 02:21

so i woke up this morning, expecting a great freaking day (not an educational one, ill get onto that one in a bit). So,  I wake up and check my horoscope and it reads:

April 13 2007
Karma is a powerful force today, so you can expect some interesting payback for the good deeds (and the not-so-good deeds) you've performed in the recent past. This will be a very educational day -- it will teach you many valuable lessons about how to persuade people to see your point of view.

well, thats fine considering you know, i dont think i've done anything bad in the past like at all, and psh, most days its like wtf? that makes no sense and my horoscopes never ever come true.  so, I wake up get ready, pick up brandi, go get her car from the car place, eat lunch, go to the mall, get a pedicure, have plans for the night all planned out (great day so far) .... untill....now. So, the evening plans were to go on a double date to the movies with brandi, my chris, and her chris, then we go our seperate ways afterwards. and i was excited for it cause i really did want a double date, and hang out with brandi cause wont see her on saturday (her prom day) and all day sunday. So like..yeah, well we're leaving the mall and she suggests that i hang out with just chris because she hasnt seen her chris in 3 days. so i'm like uhh cool. i mean, i didn't just ditch my sister and the beach to take you to get your car or anything, but it's cool. so i end up going to the talent show with ariel, then dinner at tijuana - so i get to tijuana flats and i open up my door (not in any angry way btw) and my door handle, snaps off...just snaps off right in my hand, so there is no way to get out of my car. so i'm pissed cause brandi ditched me, i'm now pissed that my door handle broke. So i go over to chris' and watch grind and meet his second parents, and i really had fun just getting away and hanging out with chris more.

so, in reading back to my horoscope: the karma i get back? being ditched by my best friend for a freaking boy and my car door handle breaking, obviously for some bad driving or something i did one way or another, or for slamming ashtons car door shut and pissing him off, i dunno - something car related. and the educational life lesson? being ditched sucks, i'm no longer to this day - ditching anyone. number two lesson learned, don't do so much for people.
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