95 Days Until GoF!
They were just lurking out of sight, that's all. You heard them.
Luna Lovegood
Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 38, Page 863
Well I've been waiting for the mail and nothing's come up. It was a rather anxious wait especially knowing that Mrs.Doak could just email me back with the info. And just as I was thinking about that, I got an email from her; a useful one.
Just finished them... you lucky girl... you are living with Pam Paniagua. And you two are right next to Sydney Plummer and a new student. Karinna Diaz is across the hall, just a few doors down.
I'm off to Maine now, so nobody else will be able to find out their roommates until they get their letters. : )
Mrs. D
I notice a lot of people tend to call me lucky no matter what the situation. Just makes me laugh because some way or other it always happens. I knew it! It's none other than Pam which works out quite nicely because although she's a very upbeat person we both coincide in our traits of neatness and assiduousness. It's gonna be a fun year if I have Sydney next door too! Strange though is the fact apparently we've also been sorted into our rooms already. I get the feeling it's gonna be all the way up to the 2nd floor. Not gonna be an easy move. How convenient that Karinna's down the hall too. I can't help but notice Mr.Jordan must have given Mrs.Doak some type of mini-profile on everybody. Seriously, how else would Mrs.Doak have known about my friends? This is loads better than the letter I'd get in the mail. Speaking of mail, a letter came from Florida. I just stared in a bewildered manner. It was comforting to receive a letter from the Stephens house president. I guess they elect their president ahead of time since it's a sophomore/junior house. Welcoming letters also give off a nice detail. And as I was telling Charlotte, the house president wrote it out by hand. Seeing this is Lawrenceville, well it's a miracle that anybody writes out anything by hand anymore. Moreover, the house president had to write out a copy to all the new girls. Plus it's also very new to me that we get house stationery. Not once did I see paper with the Perry Ross house. Hopefully, we lowly sophomores get access to the stationery. Thanks to the stationery I actually am now familiar with the houseflag. Wish I had a scanner around to show you guys but with my best attempt on Paint, I tried to reproduce it. Tada...
You will not laugh at my creation. It's a griffin if ít's not clear enough for you on the top right corner. The left bottom corner is clearly a cross but the points jut out a bit but I experiencing difficulties illustrating it. I'm not cut out for this. It might come out reddish but it's definitely maroon.
What else can I tell you guys? Well, some days ago, my uncle and my cousin-in-law brought over a large bookcase in this colossal truck. It surprised me that my cousin-in-law was white skinned. Didn't expect it all. Not that it's of dire importance or anything. Two days later, we put up all our cds and books onto the bookcase. Now yesterday, one shelf fell down. My mum's yelling about her precious cds. Ha, I've been the one investing like crazy on non-pirate copies. A few of the cases broke. My Black Eyed Peas case will never look the same again now among my other superb albums. Just as were about to clear up the mess, another shelf fall down. My mind fell into a full state of panic. That shelf had all my HP books! They're safe and sound somehow. I didn't think all my paperbacks would survive. I mean one little flap bend is all it takes and I start acting hysterical. Everything is back in my old bookcase which isn't actually old; just the former one. The "new" bookcase had to be carried out. The thing is around twice my height and much heavier than me so I ended up letting it slip from my hands and it sorta crashed onto the pavement in the backyard. That's that.
Now I'll go on to critize the newest reality show. Indeed I have encountered a reality show I will actually watch. It's called El Príncipe Azul (Prince Charming) hosted by the famous mujeriego (lady's man) Andrés Garcías in which the objective is to select a female from the batch of the 20 Latin women participating for Andrés Garcías' son. The show takes place in Miami; where else would it be? So far the first week is done and it's also been interviewing the girls in front of the son (can't remember his name at the mo') and his family. Let me just take this moment to say the son is super hot. He's the typical hot Mexican you see in the telenovelas (soap operas). So far the show has produced a bit of controversy in three distinct instances. The son's mother is pure evil. I swear it. Technically she's chicana (mexicana-americana) but her first name is in English. Her wrinkled-drenched countenance even accentuates her malevolence. The first night we had five girls. This was the episode that held one of the best competitors. However, she was Dominican and the mother was dubious on a biracial relationship for her son. Despite this the Dominican girl is gorgeous and has the best demeanor among other great qualities. Then the mother actually went behind the girl's back and said to her family that she didn't want black grandchildren. I know that if you're Mexican you're very opposed to mixing races but the mother wasn't being discreet at all by saying those insults on national television. Then she kept asking all the contestants if they knew English. How ignorant of her. I mean fine. Ask if you know another language other than Spanish but please, all she did was obssess over people's English-language skills. There's some girls who are from Miami and Los Angeles but the rest are from several hispanic countries. Man, they shouldn't have to bother with English but of course the mother thinks it essential because she called herself Tejana, Americana. Dude, she's like utterly denying her Mexican heritage or something. All she did was identify herself as a Texan-American. Redundancy in her explanations no less! I am so disgusted by her. It ended up riling up the entire Dominican population in Washington Heights, NY. Did she forget we're all watching this show?
I really wish someone could put her in her place. She is clearly a racist because on the second episode we got a blond Venezuelan girl who is just 20yrs old (the son's 33), she didn't ask her about English or anything and she was delighted because she was blond! It was truly outrageous. Then at the end of the show, the mother goes and says that the Venezuelan is the best of the worst here as in she's passable. The other favourites seem to be the two Colombians. One happened to be from the Miss World competition. Then Andrés García had to go and say that Colombian women were like roaches: you shoo them away and they keep coming back. Naturally, everybody took offense to that. Then he had to go on air to apologize, etc. Another act of ludicrous behaviour on the mother's part was when a Mexican said she was a type of dancer but not to the extent of being vulgar. The mother had to go and say she was a "tabolera" from Chapultepec. That tells me two things. She can't even pronounce things correctly in her native language, Spanish, and she is dissing her own country by bringing Chapultepec into this. Ugh, need I say more? She's incessantly muttering phrases in English, forming facial expressions of animosity, and well, basically just call her the spawn of satan. No wonder why her son hasn't married yet. If an Argentinean had been a contestant, there would have been a major showdown. We were expecting a Boricua (a Puerto-Rican) to have some type of conflict but she turned out to be a sweet one. I also learned one thing from the show. Los Angeles and Miami have a rivalry going on. Chicanas are supposedly nacas (translated would be a derogartory term like a lower-class person) and how Cubanas from Miami are fresas (literally means strawberry but is slang for a high caliber person). I so wanna see what else I can expect from the show this week.
Since I've been talking about being Latino and what not this seems perfect for now
gacked from
1. 8:45 am is too early for us to be up.
2. We are always late, we would have missed all 4 flights.
3. Pretty people on the plane distract us.
4. We would talk loudly and bring attention to ourselves.
5. With food and drinks on the plane, we would forget why we're there.
6. We talk with our hands, therefore we would have to put our weapons down.
7. We would ALL want to fly the plane.
8. We would argue and start a fight in the plane.
9. We can't keep a secret, we would have told everyone a week before doing it.
10. We would have put our country's flag on the windshield.
I swear it's all very true...