The Fat Friar told me that Umbridge tried to get back into his [Dumbledore's] office last night after they'd searched the castle and the grounds for him. Couldn't get past the gargoyle. The Head's office has sealed itself against her. Apparenly she had a right little tantrum...
Ernie Macmillan
Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 28, Page 625
Time to catch
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Oh yeah, by the way, who was the guy that happened to be in your bathroom? I mean... you really ought to finish that story, encountering a strange man in your bathroom with no one else home, sort of brings up a few questions like... what was he doing in your house using your toilet? lol, ah well, I'll wait for your response now I suppose.
That guy in the toilet was a friend of the subtenant's. He stopped by to take a leak. I so wasn't expecting that.
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