HP Fuck the Faculty Fest: Deadline Extended to December 1

Oct 23, 2022 06:33

hpfacultyfest has announced that the submission deadline for HP Fuck the Faculty Fest will be extended to December 1 at 12AM EST.

HP Fuck the Faculty Fest is a non-anonymous prompt fest featuring HP faculty/student cross-gen pairings. Both fic and art are welcome. Claiming is done on AO3. Self-prompt is allowed.

Links: Tumblr | AO3 | Rules | FAQ | Faculty List | Prompts

Length restrictions:
Fic: Minimum 500 words. No maximum.
Art: Minimum 30 minutes spent on artwork.

Prompting Opens: August 1 at 12:00 AM EDT
Prompting Closes/Claiming Opens: August 15 at 12:00 AM EDT
Posting Opens: September 1 at 12:00 AM EDT
Claiming Closes: November 30 at 12:00 AM EDT *EXTENDED*
Posting Closes: December 1 at 12:00 AM EDT *EXTENDED*

genre: cross gen, medium: art, platform: discord, platform: ao3, platform: tumblr, medium: fic, type: prompt and claim

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