Secret Snarry Swap 2022: Claiming Still Open

Oct 22, 2022 09:06

Banner art by sealcat
Fest Name: Secret Snarry Swap 2022
Origin: snape_potter |
Links: Rules (also on LJ)
Description: An anonymous fic and art fest dedicated to the pairing of Severus and Harry. This will be Secret Snarry Swap's final year.
Length restrictions:
Fic: Minimum 1000 words. No maximum
Art: None
Submission of prompts: August 9 - 23
Claiming of prompts: Begins August 25
Creations are due: November 13
Posting starts: December 1

To claim a prompt: DW Claiming Post | LJ Claiming Post

platform: dreamwidth, platform: ao3, platform: livejournal, medium: art, character: harry potter, comm: snape_potter, character: severus snape, medium: fic, type: prompt and claim

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