Home > Order Process
Order Process
(1) Browse through our catalogue
(2) Click on the desired item, select color and click on "Add to Cart >>"
(3) In the shopping cart page,
> enter the Quantity
> select the mode of *postage
> drop us any comments you might have
> click on "Recalculate" to display the total cost
> to remove an item, simply enter '0' (zero) as the quantity and click on "Recalculate"
> to continue shopping, you may either
> click on "Click Here to return back to Home" below our logo or
> click on "Continue Shopping" on the bottom of the page
> upon confirmation, click on "Go to Payments"
(4) At the summary page,
> you will be presented with a summary on your purchase + postage
> enter your shipping address with Name, Address, Postal Code and Email as mandatory field
> to continue shopping, click on "Click Here to return back to Home" below our logo
> to check out your items, click on "continue"
(5) A order confirmation will be sent to you, based on the email address entered in step (4)
(6) Note that till this point, NO payment is required.
(7) Upon confirmation on the availability of your items, an invoice will be sent you, together with the payment information
(8) Revert to the invoice with your payment details
(9) Upon verification of payment, we will mail you your items
By shopping with us, you are agreeable to our T&Cs
Potporry reserve the rights to alter any terms stated without prior notifications.