Move Along, Nothing to See Here

Jun 04, 2011 11:24

It's been a while, but frankly, I've just been way too God damned busy to living my life to write about it. (Lol, not really.) And it's making me feel guilty, so here we go:

Within the past month or so, there was a Royal Wedding and Osama Bin Laden got captured. There nothing more I can comment on it than what has already been said, so just know my stances on each event were GODDAMN PIPPA IS HOT and AMERICA, FUCK YEAH.

Ok, so what's new with me? Not much other than the fact that Annie and I have been hanging out with this Robert fellow quite frequently. He's basically my new BFF and he and Annie seem to be fiddling each other's hoo-has, recreationally. I think he also made out with Carly at the last party we went to. The ladies and I kid that he's just making his rounds and I don't think we're not wrong judging by the flirty texts he sends me. While I find him absolutely charming, I don't think I could --how kids these days put it-- "hit that". Then again, I should never say never because in the couple times we've gotten high together (more on this later) my feelings tend to get a little... confusing.

In other news, I'm driving to California at this moment. Rather, my mom is while I just mostly sleep in the backseat. Annie is sleeping next to me! On one hand I'm super stoked for it, on the hand I'm a little nervous. I'm just afraid of keeping everyone happy. I think everyone has different expectations and I don't know how to meet them all, but we'll see how it goes. 

vacations, roadtrips, friends

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