Oct 18, 2008 19:56
Just feel me on this:
Everyone's played The Sims, right? (Well, I haven't, but I know the concept and this is all beside the point.) And you know how hilarious it is to just put your little people that you created and dumb situations and make them do hilarious things like starve to death in a room with no doors and you make them hook up with each otherand blah blah blah. Now, I have always been a pretty agnostic/athiest/whatever person, but sometimes... I just get the feeling that I am just a Sim's character on God's computer. And He's just fucking around the keyboard for the LOLZ, y'all. I'm just sayin'.
I really don't see how anyone can take life seriously. If you just sit back and take a look at it for a moment, its so ridiculous and full of "coincidinces" and "close calls" and all that jazz, its not even funny. I guess some people call it "fate" or whatever, but I'm sticking to my giant Sims theory. I can just picture that fatass "God" from the JTHM comics, cackling at a screen while he throws me in random situations for his own sick amusement. Why else would I ever go to Real World audition?
Today, I went to another audition, but this time it was just for the film department for school. basically, the had an open casting call for anyone, and really, they just wanted to take a headshot of you, get a basic fact sheet of your info, and tape you doing a cold reading to make sure that your akting skillz is at a level slightly better than Paris Hilton, so that way if any of the student have any projects coming up, then they have a list of actors to pick from. Basically. So, I went, and filled out all my info, and they gave me a scene from "Heathers" (LOL) and guess effing who was in the room: my totally hot pretend boyfriend of hotitude whose name rhymes with Fared! You should've seen the look on my face. Hee. I have such a crush on him. And I love how he always shows up at the most random moments and if you are sick of reading my dorkiness spill out all over this page here, TOO BAD. Its my journal and I'll cry if I want to. :P
No, seriously, tho. I love life and all its rediculousness. Even when it sucks.