Josh and I went and caught us some "Tropic Thunder" the other night. Way better spoof movie than any of those shitacular Epic/Date movies. It wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be, but at least I left with a good handful of hilarious quotes I can work into my daily conversation, especially in reference to my acting class. Also, the current consensus is that Robert Downey JR is kind of sexy in a really weird way (when he's not high) and Ben Stiller is kind of really, really, rediculously good looking (when he's not a dumbass.)
Speaking of my acting class, is it just me or this whole fucking business really pretentious and overrated? Like, first day of classes, all my instructors (and some of my classmates) basically introduced themselves by telling us what movies they've worked on and what they did. "Yo. My name is Bob and I worked as a production assisstant for 2 years until I finally got to work on the Spongebob Movie and now I teach here." "Hiiiii! My name is Stacy and OH EM GEE I just finished my thesis film and I'm trying to sell it to studios and its AWESOME." Kind of like they're bragging, maybe? I don't know. It's probably me. I'm weird. And am in a weird mood. But even when I talk about my acting class to my friends I feel like I sound like a douche bag for speaking the words "acting class". But I digress.
Christ, I'm falling behind in my classes. I'm so fucking retarded. Its only been like a month and I've missed a quiz in Food Science and the lab report I did was only like, half done. I've already missed a week orf my intermediate swimming class, so when I show up tomorrow I'm going to be so lost. Remember that Back to the Future thing in my principles of story class that was the easiest fucking assignment in the world? Yeah, totally forgot to do it and had to turn it in half-done. Definately hating my life right now. I think its just because I took such kindergarten easy A classes last semester, and then with the summer, I'm just not used to actual WORK anymore. As if I ever really did any actual school work when I had it, but seriously Stefanie. How old are you now? Time to crack down, yo.
Speaking of studying, I sure as hell am a little more motivated now. There's a certain boy whose name rhymes with Fared that works at the Information Desk in Corbett this semster. OH MY LORD. I hadn't seen him around all semester and then the other night Annie needed to drop off a history book to Nick and there he is in all his hotness. Holla. Seriously, you guys are going to have to tie me down or something to prevent the stalking, y'all, before it gets really bad. Haha, I'm just kidding. Or am I?