(no subject)

Jun 19, 2008 23:35

I have a feeling I will be posting way too often till I get a 2nd job or school starts again in 2 1/2 months...........

So I was in Provo at BYU today getting things squared away with Melissa's boss to start working there custodial 6-9:30 for the summer. In the process I got a pretty good look at the guys on campus. Granted its the very beginning of summer term and the number of kids on campus (guys in this case) isn't even a 1/3 of what it will be in the fall.
I laugh at myself because I do WAY MORE looking and drooling than getting dates and acting on that stuff. But my my my! There were some seriously good looking guys there.
.....Maybe it won't be as "easy" to stay out of getting involved this year as I thought. Haha..who knows.  I mean you see hundreds of people but you only talk to select few that are in classes and stuff. Still....already I think the selection is better than Idaho. The challenge is honing in on the single RM's. Haha. 
I move in on Monday and am sooo excited. Simultaneously, I'm scared still getting lost in Provo driving the van my parents left me for a few weeks. Back i California, all streests are mostly names. Here its a numeric/grid system..which in theory makes it a lot easier to find things but I still know i"ll get lost....hurray for wasting more gas at 4.08 a gallon..better than CA which=4.59 when I left. WTF is this world coming to?!?!

Haven't gotten a letter in almost a month now....and emails have been okay but it always seems so long. But still...I gotta find my notebook of all the letters I've gotten so far. I sent him a package this week with random "summer fun" stuff in it and homemade cookies. He should get it by tomorrow at the latest. Hopefully it cheers him up. 
We're almost at 8 1/2 months....3 1/2 till the big 1/2 way party!!!!
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