Mar 06, 2010 11:26
hey ppl-
I had a dream that involved a lot of people. I was being escorted by Justin Timberlake, clad in a turquoise suit, through a house where a man named Derek was turning violent due to me not agreeing to date him. Justin was making gun noises and seemingly trying to get us caught, when I asked him about this he replied, "We mid as well make it fun!". I was on the roller derby and quite a good skater, but was sure that Derek was trying to kidnap me when he asked to ride the bus with me. When I got out there it was another guy who I apparently new, an older guy, and a girl my age from the derby team. They started to open this crawl space above us and I freaked out, thinking they had been secretly on Derek's team, once they calmed me down they showed me that no, I needed to help them release some water stuck in the crawl space. At some point Jackee was in it too, and kept trying to get me to play this bright and colorful version of Final Fantasy XI, but it could only be downloaded using this special program because some sort of scary stone tower blocked the signals..yeeah.
I have no clue where that dream came from, except that I watched 9 before bed last night, which probably led to the stone tower and general creepiness of the dream. Good movie though, I really enjoyed it.
well, bye for now-:-D