I’m here in Indianapolis for the next four days to help Chip Dobbs, a fellow actor and friend from the Renaissance Festival, sell his gaming company’s products. There are four of us here in total, and we took off at three o’clock this morning from Chip’s house and arrived somewhere in the elevens. After setting up the booth in the huge gaming convention hall, we put stuff in the room and crashed. The room wasn’t what Chip had been promised apparently, but after some small drama with the main desk we were given a roll-in bed free of charge. We fiddled around for a while, and walked down about six blocks to fetch some makeup supplies from a local CVS. The funny part about this is that the makeup supplies are all for the guys. We explored for a little while longer after that, but quickly went back to the room. We’re in the heart of the heart of town, so it’s pretty cool to walk around, but we’ve not really left the room much since. We all brought a plethora of costumery, so we had a sort of brief show-and-tell period. It was quite the nerdy, theatrical hoot.
Tomorrow is the first day of the convention, and we’re going to be selling books for a D&D-esque game. Feel free to check it out at
www.visionaryentertainment.com. I get to wear a costume, so really little else matters. I wish I could host pictures somewhere, so I could put them up on this live. Up to the minute dorkitude! Any suggestions how I could do that would be greatly appreciated.
Updates as events warrent.