I am the worst updater ever!

Dec 26, 2011 19:33

*brushes off cobwebs*

So, it's been... months?
I have been drawing just... not posting it here. It's more likely to go on Tumblr, because posting pictures is much more convenient and does not require the use of HTML (which hurts my eyes) and Photobucket. But, I do like the people here (okay, mostly person), so I'm trying this again.

So, you'll notice that I've been a bit of a James/Lily fanatic. This is because I have an addictive personality and they are cute.

I had someone comment on Deviantart that this was "The best art of Harry and Ginny that he'd seen" or something. I was really very flattered, seeing some of the people who draw Harry and Ginny... but this isn't them. :P

I lovelovelove Pride and Prejudice. I have a mad lady-crush on Elizabeth. I wrote my college entrance essay on her. So fan art was soon to follow. I really like the colors on this one, but she's somewhat more busty than I pictured her. :/

Here's to not leaving update gaps of half-a-year in your blog!

pretty much sorry; rant

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