100 Themes: Do Not Disturb

Apr 23, 2011 09:16

Ah yes, the prodigal artist returns. This time with an installment in the 100 THEMES CHALLENGE! The theme is "Do Not Disturb."
I'm trying out a rather simple sketchy style, simply for the sake of time.

So I decided not to bother anyone with backstory on Deviantart, but seeing as how this is supposed to be my blog, I'll take a chance. May I introduce Elizabeth Serin on your right and Matthew Jordan on your left (who you can't really see, but whatever). They both work as detectives for the Janae city police. But that's just their cover. Their real job is for the federal government, serving in a task force whose mission is to stop and bring in the most dangerous criminals out there.

Really, really long story short, most people in this country are gifted with some sort of power, which scientists believe is caused by the earth around the country. Serin (the one sleeping) is a "lumnist" meaning that her power, or more exactly the way she expresses her power, is broken. It doesn't come out of one or two outlets (like say, strength or the ability to fly), it comes out of a nearly unlimited number of outlets, the downside being that it takes vastly more energy to work even simple feats. Most lumnists circumvent this by having a very high amount of energy, but Serin is very weak. Jordan, on the other hand, has a very simple explanation, that being that he has absolutely no power. This is pretty rare, and those who are born with nothing generally move into one of the surrounding countries, because having no power in a country of superpowered people is kind of a bum deal. He stays to be with his family.

I won't even get into what's going on in this picture, so you can imagine to your heart's content.
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