Who: Tezuka, Shiraishi
When: eh... last weeks?
Where: street courts in Osaka
Summary: Not only unpleasant discoveries are provoced by the match
Warning/Rating: PG for what-it-all-will-lead-to-so-very-soon
Player Comments: Will Shiraishi ever be awed by what does he do to stoic Mitt-chan?
Comments/Crits Allowed: Y
Shiraishi: Mmm, the weather is just fine, and I think we should either go sightseeing or *smiles widely* play tennis. Any preferences, Tezuka-kun, or you'll leave it up to me?
Tezuka: *nods* I'll leave it to you, thanks. I like both.
Shiraishi: I hope we'll have time for both and for some other activities as well
I choose tennis then. It's a pity we haven't played each other, though I'm pretty sure many players have already said it to you
Tezuka: *coughs* Well, yes. With pleasure, then.
Shiraishi: Your racket and over here, then. You won't mind if we go to local courts instead of school one, will you? It's somehow better without much audience
Tezuka: *takes his tennis bag* You're right. Audience is too noisy most of the time.
Shiraishi: Tennis resembles love or friendship in some way - it needs only two participants
Tezuka: *thinks about it a few minutes while walking*
Shiraishi: Don't you agree with it? *lookes closely at Tezuka *
Tezuka: *shrugs* I said I didn't know much about this matters. Tennis requires many people to get ready the court and the players.
Shiraishi: *laughs* but you should be good at guessing and assuming, I think. Both friendship and love require many people to raise and upbring those, who'll meet each other one day
Tezuka: I assume it's true. But don't they need... advices or something as well? like, coach's work?
Shiraishi: Coach you say *thoughtful* I can hardly imagine anything like this. Not a living person anyway. Maybe it's useful to look for advises in books and stories you occasionally hear? Would you discuss such private matters as love and friendship with anyone?
Tezuka: But it could be a time when the two can't get along well. Yes, it's a private matter but wouldn't it be logical for thir friends to help with it as delicate as they can? Not that I'm good at this, too.
Shiraishi: Then those two should just discuss their problems together and find some way out. You've seen my team, haven't you. One can hardly expect things like delicacy from them.
*interested* have you ever helped your friends in a similar situation?
Tezuka: *ears become slightly pink* I think they were not interested in my advice. Who could expect delicacy form them, too... well, it's not the matter now anymore.
Shiraishi: Mmm, then it seems coaching or at least giving advices is out of qoestion most of times. Unlike tennis, one needs to find things out for himself. Kinda tough challenge I think
*quietly* I think you underestimate both youself and all of them
Tezuka: *sighs* Do I? I'm not sure they really needed my advices in matters apart from tennis.
Shiraishi: *cheerful* from my point of view Seigaku seems to be a highly united team. Maybe they cared for you too much to bother with their problems?
Tezuka: *looks calm but it's obvious he's really bothered by this theme* I have always thought they were bound by friendship closer than I'm with them. Being the captain is nearly all the thing I can really do for them, for they have friends who care more.
Shiraishi: You are mistaken then. You are more then just a captain for them - and it is obvious for everyone except you. You'd wait and see! It seems you've made a wise choice by coming to Osaka: some things are better seen from a longer distance.
Tezuka: *slightly amused* Is it really so. How do you see it, then?
Shiraishi: *readily* What do I see? Your team or your trip to Osaka?
Tezuka: The relationship of my team. Well, ex-team. How do you see who an I for them?
Shiraishi: you are really a team, united and tight-knit. Something like a family maybe. But you share one passion and are willing to stay together, to accept each other.
And you, Tezuka, are kind of example for all the underclassmen. For other 3d years - a friend I suppose.
Tezuka: One passion, yes. That's over now. Seigaku has a new captain, and seniors have to go to different schools.
Shiraishi: The memories you share can hardly be thown away that easyly. Just wait and see, everything will settle down. In- and outside you
Tezuka: *stops* Is there the place you led us to play?
Shiraishi: Nice change of topic, Tezuka *smiles* but yes, here we are
Tezuka: *settles the bag on the bench, getting out of the jersey*
Shiraishi: You do change, when it comes to tennis *continues, preparing for the match* can't say it's bad though
Tezuka: *shrugs, checks the tension of the strings* Glad you don't mind.
Shiraishi: I don't mind it at all. Though I do mot intend to shut up and play quietly either. Mmm, let's decide who'll setve first then.
Tezuka: Rough, then. *rolls the racket*
*after four games and 2:2 in the count*
Shiraishi: *excited, still absorbed in the game* It was definitely a right choice to come here instead of sightseeing. But I doubt we'll have enough time for visiting some museums today: the game won't end easily
Tezuka: *nods, preparing to serve and flinching slightly*
Shiraishi: *after 20 minutes* you serves and counters are not as sharp as they were before. Lack of practice or...?
Tezuka: *frowns at getting a deep breath* Don't let it bother you. *hisses quietly when raising an arm*
Shiraishi: It doesn't bother me at all. What bothers me is an unfair victory. I wanna win over my opponent, not over his injuries. Is someting wrong with your shoulder?
Tezuka: It's all right. *gets another breath and hisses again* Sorry about that.
Shiraishi: My father is an pharmacist, so I can identify pain when I see it. I'd like to play up to the end but I do not whant this match to be the last for you for the next several months. Let me see, what's with your shoulder, please.
Tezuka: *sighs, returning to the bench* It's not with the shoulder.
Shiraishi: *comes closer* but your arm hurts, doesn't it?
Tezuka: *takes away the T-shirt, examining the breathing ability* It's with the ribs. My arm is behaving better.
Shiraishi: *tries to hide his astonishment after seeing bruises* it's no wonder you are in pain. I'd rather be amased by how you managed to play up until now *stares, then looks away* we'd better come back home where we can treat your bruises properly*
Tezuka: *gets the towels from the bag, hands one to Shiraishi, repeats* I'm sorry about that.
Shiraishi: Stop it already! We can play tennis any time, but right now... *is silent for a few seconds* why have you agreed to play with me in the first place? *angry at himself*
Tezuka: *simply* I wanted to. I could handle these injuries.
Shiraishi: You sure could. Bear it, play till the end and threaten your own future as a tennis pro *grasps the towel*
Tezuka: *quietly* You sure have the right to be angry at me. I messed up our first match. Just as it was with Atobe and Fuji *adds on instant, standing up and drying his hair*
Shiraishi: *breathes deeply* I just don't want this first match to become the last one. *stays inches away from Tezuka and suddenly feels uncomfortable about being so close. Sits on the bench*
Tezuka: *calmly* What do you expect me to do about that.
Shiraishi: *quietly* just recover and we'll continue. And until that time we'll find things to do, places to visit and topics to discuss
Tezuka: *glares sharply* Can I ever ask why are you so calm about me just when I ruined your hopes?
Shiraishi: *patiently* what hopes do you mean? To play against one of the best japanese junior high tennis players? They are neither ruined nor delayed. After playing you I know what it's like and will wait whatever it takes to repeat
Tezuka: *watches him silently until gaining some relief, then mentions calmly* It's different with you in more ways than I thought it would be. *finishes drying himself and wears his T-shirt again*
Shiraishi: *smiles again* I'll take it as a compliment. And as a promise to have more matches in the future
*a part in a low voice* though it's surely a pity you wore you T-shirt again*
Tezuka: *nods* You will. Just - what was the last part about? *glances amused*
Shiraishi: I'll remember your words.
*still in a low voice* Could it be interpreted in two ways I wonder? It was rather clear, I suppose
*loud* I was telling that T-shirt hides your bruises, and with you wearing it it's too easy to forget about them at all
Tezuka: *stills while settling the bag on his shoulder* Do I want to get clear what did you mean in the first place?
Shiraishi: Do you want to? *interested*
Tezuka: I have keen hearing, thanks. What kind of answer will I get this time?
Shiraishi: It depends on your wishes. What kind of truth do you prefer?
Tezuka: Just the kind of truth you meant, please.
Shiraishi: I meant lots of things *smiles* and all of them are truth. Thats it's better to observe your bruises without your shirt. That they need to be treated properly. That some tan will do you no harm. That one could have never imagined you are that brawny under your T-shirt. That it's aesthetic pleasure to look at you. Choose whatever you like
Tezuka: *raises his brows* That I didn't intend to hear. Anyway, I'll take all of that truth.
Shiraishi: You were the one who asked for details.
*cheerfully* whenever you need any more truth - I'll be happy to provide you with it. All you need is to take off your T-shirt
Tezuka: *chuckles amused, not being able to make himself not to*
Shiraishi: *smiles in return* shall we go back home and change clothes before going sightseeing? Your T-shirt must have blushed red from being mentioned that often
Tezuka: *nods, heading off towards Shiraishi's house*