I know, I skipped last week T_T;; Gomeeeeen, consider it a vacation :D? Or time to work on your lims entries~? (which we only have 2 of, by the way. I'm extending the deadline until Friday, July 13.)
Well~ This weeks theme will be Best of Rival Players. Your icon must feature a lyric/title from the Best of Rival Palyers songs. You do not have to feature the character who's lyrics you are using. I.e; You can make an icon with Akaya using words from Jirou's Against Wind if you desire. Just tell me what song your using when you submit it.
lyrics can be found here! icon:
http://www.livejournal.com/userpic/56727232/11810085other: Credits, comments; anything you feel like putting :]
-If you submit one icon and later decide to submit another one, please delete your original comment and post another with both icons.
-Icons should be submitted to this post as a comment by Friday, July 13th.
-Icons must be new!
-No advertising beforehand!
-Remember: Non-official art is allowed!