fctpq76 wrote in
Feb 12, 2007 02:34
shoes fill the closet
rows of stiletto heels crush
brittle skeletons
kickyerfriends wrote in
Dec 06, 2006 16:46
water seeps through walls
fire pours out of ceilings
Someone call OSHA
the smoke burns my lungs
the cold chaps my finger tips
my own private hell
paperwork in stacks
tower over my cubicle
lets have a meeting
there's no end in sight
retirement too far off
the solution: gin
dizzywolf3 wrote in
Jul 11, 2006 02:48
you try to tell me
there are worse fates than ugly
yet you can't name one
spiderness wrote in
Mar 10, 2006 14:34
sprinkled for a few
but the sun came out to say
it's still cold, get warm