WHO: Sollux Captor and Karkat Vantas.
WHAT: BFFers reunite and discuss things too special for the network.
WHERE: Truth or Consequences. Sollux's motel room.
WHEN: At some point during the afternoon after
this.WARNINGS: Swearing. Trolls. Karkat.
here's a horoscope for everyone: you gunna die )
He gave the door handle a rattle when he reached room 102; when it didn't open, he thumped on the door perhaps a little harder than was necessary.
He all but stumbled off the bed at the point, throwing the door open with much more than the unecessary amount of gusto. Then, of course, he found himself suddenly face to face with the friend in question and things got a lot more complicated.
He stared for a second, as if unsure of how to follow that act.
It had been a long time since he'd so much as clapped eyes on another troll anywhere outside the grubby mirror in the motel bathroom. He knew that, but he hadn't expected to feel quite this relieved.
"... Hi."
His frown wavered a little.
"It's good to see you haven't died horribly, I guess."
"Yeah," he replied, letting himself relax a little. "You too."
He moved out of the doorway, gesturing that Karkat should come in, and busying himself with figuring out what to do and say.
"Are you...okay?" Vague enough to work, maybe?
"Me? I'm fine. I'm not about to burst into a torrent of liquid eye excretions and clasp you to my heaving chest in some overemotional display of friendship, if that's what you mean."
"Damn, KK. How could you deprive me of your weird excretions all over my torso." Okay wow that sounded creepy, moving on.
"What have you even been doing all this time?"
He was wandering around the tiny motel room as he spoke, scrutinizing its shabby decor.
"I guess I've been learning about the fascinating intricacies of human culture, which is basically every bit as asinine as any of us ever thought it was. Possibly more so. Do you know how many goddamn holidays they have?"
He just kind of raised an eyebrow at the 'holidays' comment.
"Yeah, people were kind of flipping their shits about 'Christmas' on the network. I assumed it was something stupid. Guess I was right."
He scowled, or at least scowled more than he'd been scowling already, and folded his arms.
"And, yeah, Christmas is like their shitty human equivalent of 12th Perigee's Eve," he explained, "except about a million times more pointless. And it's not just this one holiday. Before that it was this Hanukkah thing, I don't even know what that was, and before that there was Thanksgiving, and Halloween - it's like there's one of these things every couple of weeks and basically every time one of them happens everyone completely flips out and decorates everything. It's nauseating."
This was obviously something that had been bothering Karkat for some time.
"Wow. That's some dedicated time wasting." He looked at the floor. "But if that's the most excruciating thing this place has to offer then it could be a lot worse."
Such as the whole being hunted down and murdered thing.
Karkat huffed a weary sigh and sat down on the end of one of the other two beds. "Oh no, wait," he said, "Those are all things that are true."
"Some guy on the network said that it was possible to get rid of them. The chips, I mean." He stared at his wrist, tapping at the skin where he'd felt the chip enter thoughtfully. "Maybe we could figure out a way to do that."
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