Who: Sanada and Kamio
What: Beat each other up
When: Last night
Where: In the gym
Why: Because they were both moping around after lost loves.
It was time to move on. Kamio rarely held his aggression in -- he was depressed and frustrated that someone(he suspected Momoshirou) was better than him. A year's worth of stupid not-dates and being just friends, and they were back to that again. Kamio swore loudly as he hit the punching bag, pretending it was that stupid Momoshirou grinning at him with that stupid grin of his. Good guy or not - Kamio wanted to punch his stupid teeth out.
Sanada entered the gym feeling angry and frustrated. It was time for tennis -- but after the heat of the game with Yukimura fresh in his memory, he didn't want to relive any of it. So he went to the part of the gym where he could hit things. Someone was already at the lone punching bag, and this made Sanada doubly annoyed. "You gonna be long?" He growled.
"Probably." Kamio grunted right back, not in the mood to see anyone's face. It was always more satisfying to punch actual people, but that'd get him in trouble at camp. Just like last year. Even if it hadn't been him to push that Rikkai jerk down the stairs. He'd taken the fall for An-chan then and hadn't even known it. Stupid An-chan. Kamio pummelled the bag, already irate that the other didn't just go away.
Sanada snorted and turned. "You're too small for me to spar with," he said, looking around for someone his size.
Kamio looked up, pausing in his movements, fists still clenched. "Fuck you, bastard." He hissed, taking another swing at the bag. "You're no fucking better than me." If there was anything he hated, it was people talking down to him.
Oho. "Are you all talk?" Sanada growled, turning. "If you think you can take me, then try." He walked over to the sparring mats, taking a moment to stretch, sizing up his opponent. He had the strange suspicion that Kamio would have speed on him.
Never mind that he didn't have size on his side, at least he could take out his aggression on someone. "Heh. Just don't cry too hard when I get in my rhythm." Fighting was all rhythm. One-two, three, block... He shifted his weight from side to side, clenching his fists.
"I won't," Sanada growled. He didn't cry. He did other things, like ... punch. He stood, turning toward ... "Kamio Akira of Fudomine." That's who that was. "I'm ready." He fell back into a kendo stance, for no good reason except that it was comfortable.
Kamio wasn't at all trained, probably a bad thing. However, he'd been in his share of fights - he'd never grown up in a priveledged part of town, and being smaller made a quick fighter out of him. Kamio didn't hesitate before swerving into the calmer stance, starting with an uppercut to Sanada's torso.
Sanada was only partially prepared for the speed of the other boy's punch, stepping aside at the last minute but feeling it graze him. First impact -- so a worthy partner. He eyed Kamio with new consideration. "Not bad," he grunted, and jabbed forward with his knuckles (right, then left) to aim for Kamio's upper arm.
Kamio was somehow taken off guard, the punches connecting fully with his arm. Dodge, right, he had to remember to dodge Sanada...especially considering the other was stronger than he was used to. He hissed softly upon the contact and aimed for the shoulder with a right hook.
Sanada dodged just barely from the hook, and got caught by the rejoinder punch, reeling from it a little. These punches stung, but he didn't care. It was a nice outward sign of how he was feeling. He hit back, fingers stiff and into Kamio's side.
Kamio attempted to block, failing and wincing from the sudden jab to his side. He bit his lip hard to keep from saying anything more, on the offense again and pummeling the other with untrained fists, knowing quite well his form was probably all over the place, attempting to stave off another attack.
Sanada got caught by the flailing fists, mostly because he was expecting some kind of form and found -- complete randomness. He threw up his arms in surprise and felt bruising shots land on the forearms. "NNh," he grunted, then reached in and caught Kamio by the wrists. "Listen," he growled. "Why don't I teach you a few things instead? Over on that bag. We can both beat the shit out of that."
"God dammit fine." Kamio grunted, his wrists held tight, teeth bared. Not like it was his fault anyway. Sanada, stupid Rikkai kid was the one that wanted to spar in the first place. "Teach me how to properly beat the shit out of someone, why don't you." He never got the point of play-fighting. If you were going to beat the shit out of someone, you didn't give them a chance to hit you back.
"No problem," Sanada said, baring his teeth. He took Kamio over to the punching back and showed him a few basic foot stances for maintaining balance, then how to throw from the shoulder out, so that the punch used the entire body's weight. "Always punch outward from the shoulder like a snake striking."
Kamio followed the instructions, taking a somewhat sadistic glee in the fact that he'd knocked the punching bag further than he had before. Maybe there was something to it, but he still thought it was stupid to have a method of fighting. "This, yeah?"
"The stance is to give you better movement. You are an optimal shape for martial arts -- small and swift is better than my size."
"Martial arts." Kamio nodded. Like hell he'd join a club where he'd just get the shit beaten out of him -- that was his mother's reason for never putting him in a class. "Right. "
Sanada sensed that Kamio didn't agree with him and ignored it; who cared. He corrected Kamio's form and then said, "Whatever made you want to punch -- do it now. Hard."
Kamio shut his eyes tight, his fist clenching as he swung it into the punching bag, thankful it was softer than say - Momoshirou's jaw. It already ached nicely, and he had a feeling he had bruises on his knuckles - at least he didn't break his hand. "Fine. I feel better. Now you." At least Sanada could show him properly. He felt pretty damn good after that one, though.
"I..." Sanada paused. He was angry and had aggression to get out, but there was no one's face on the punching bag -- just his own. His face contorted and he punched anyway, violently, hard, beating himself up as much as he could so that he could face himself again.
Pretty damn impressive. Kamio gave out a low whistle as he watched those strong punches being delivered, glad he wasn't on the other end of those.
Sanada didn't stop until he was panting from the exertion, not until he fell to his knees. Then he covered his face with his hands for a moment and felt ashamed.
Kamio paused for a second and watched him, feeling like, okay, maybe his crush on An-chan and her ending up with some stupid guy(he didn't even KNOW if it was Momoshirou!)... maybe it didn't really matter that much. Awkwardly, he set a tentative hand on Sanada's shoulder. "Um. Y'need a while alone?"
Sanada took a breath and dropped his head. "I don't know." This was the first time he'd had a boyfriend; the first time he was broken up with; the first time it was all his fault. He stood, staring down. "I feel better. Thank you for..." Hm. "The chance to hit something."
"You're - welcome." Kamio would've almost asked what was wrong - but they were men. Men had their own problems to deal with. Stupid girls or stupid...well, whatever it was in Sanada's case. "Thanks for the advice." With that, he left, hoping the punching bag would still be there tomorrow.
Sanada left too, dragging himself off, wondering where he would go. Hm. Perhaps...Renji's room.