On the Horizon

Apr 04, 2012 21:06

It's been a decent while since I've made an update here, but no news is good news, right?

There have been some changes in my life lately, ones that have really got me thinking on a more positive and inspired level. A great deal of it is simply a matter of altering my lifestyle, which has made a great difference. For instance, ever since I "gave up" coffee (I use this term loosely, as I've let myself indulge in a weekly cup) I notice that I naturally want to sleep early...er. This means before 3am. Believe it or not, this is actually Big Stuff! Beforehand, my head would barely hit the pillow before the sky started to lighten. That, combined with working full-time, was not a winning combination. Granted, I usually stayed up that late in lieu of ~creative pursuits~, but you can thank my lack of time management skills for that dilemma.

I've also finally taken the time to enjoy the many walking trails around the house. I've been walking my dogs (yes, all five of them...no, not at the same time) along a quiet path between my house and the school. It's a really great way to bond with them, and to meet some interesting (even enlightening!) people along the way. If only I had remembered the mosquito repellent last time... I have bites all over my hands and feet! Talk about uncomfortable.

Amity's birthday was on Monday, as well. This girl goes to school and works full-time (she might not be human, maybe superhuman) so it was a real treat to see her in neither of those settings!

So... getting more sleep, opting to spend more time outdoors and on other hobbies...just living. In the moment. It's refreshing.

One thing I wanted to share are a few scrawlings from February's Dr. Sketchy class. March's session was canceled due to the horrendous downpour that day, but these are probably the first Sketchy sketches I'm actually content with, and they're all in pen!

My favorite part is seeing the uncertain pencil sketches before I switched over to pen. Who knew that switching mediums could offer such a drastic result?

There's just something about the finality of putting down a line, accepting its permanence, and learning to work with it.


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