RP: The City Keeps On Going

Apr 05, 2009 12:32

Characters: Harry Potter
Location: Streets of London
Date/Time: 5 April 2000
Status/Warning: Public
Summary: Harry walks in the rain.
Completion: Complete

It was one of those days. One of those days. Everything so far today had gone wrong.

Harry had woken up and burnt his toast for breakfast. Twice. He's spilt toothpaste on his best shirt, tripped over his own feet on the stairs, and stepped on poor Crookshanks' tail, sending the cat into a hissing tizzy.

Nothing seemed to be going right for Harry. He was still shaken up by Hermione's confession that Malfoy was thinking about asking her to marry him. Ron was spending quite a bit of time with Megan. He wasn't feeling as lonely as he had at other points in his life, but he felt he was growing apart from his best friends and it didn't sit well with him.

He hadn't seen much of Ginny lately, which also wore on him. He felt it so easy to be himself around her and was finding it increasingly challenging to share himself fully with Hermione. Ron remained a constant friend, but there were some things Harry had never been able to talk to Ron about the way he had with Hermione. They were different people and, though they were both his best friends, they added different perspectives to his life.

Harry must have been too preoccupied thinking about his friendships this morning. He figured that was why he had been so clumsy. It made him think fondly of Tonks and her always tripping over the umbrella stand in the hallway. She excelled at concealing her true identity with Metamorphosing, but he wondered if she ever gave herself away with her clumsy nature.

Giving up on getting any real work done for the day, Harry decided to indulge his thoughts and head out into the rain. He didn't bother with an umbrella, even though he didn't dare charm his glasses dry since he was heading into the Muggle part of the city. He wanted to be able to wander aimlessly and as long as he liked without being spotted.

Before he left the house, he attempted to conceal his scar with a charm. He succeeded, but wasn't sure how long it would last. He transfigured a small coin into a mirror and tucked it into his jacket pocket so that he could check on it periodically throughout the day. It was an experiment to see how powerful his charm was and if he performed it correctly. He hoped it would last at least a few hours.

Setting out from his front step, his boots made a muffled clacking sound against the pavement; he felt better already. His own breath disappeared between the raindrops falling. There was just something so soothing about the sound of the rain. It comforted Harry as he turned the corner, his unruly black hair sticking to the side of his face in odd directions.

Harry lost himself in the city.

harry potter, place: london, 2000 04, complete

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