2006 in review

Dec 29, 2006 07:59

Taken from Katie :-) (Thanks Katie!)

Glad to see 2006 go ( yes or no )?: Yes. Let's get college over with, shall we?
Age turned in 2006?: 20 *wooo.*

Did you change your hair in 2006? Um, I think I used a new hair coloring box....

The best part of 2006?: Summer baby! No rowing, no school, and makin money! Oh, and getting Shadow.

The worst part of 2006?: ha. winter. That's all I'm gonna say. Oh, and getting Shadow.
Did you make any new friends in 2006? yeah

Any new crushes in 2006? yeah

Do they know?: ha. They probably don't even remember me....

Who will you never forget?: *sigh*

Who did you wish you did not meet?: ha! A couple of people. But I won't name them cuz I'm nice like that. (No worries, it's no one on myspace.)

Did you have a boy/girlfriend in 2006?: nope

Did you fall in love in 2006?: nope

Funniest moment of 2006?: Um, Adelaide and me cracking jokes on movies. Also, Shadow running for the couch....missing it, and trying again, seconds later....crazy girl!

The funniest thing you saw on TV in 2006?: um, Dane Cook and the Insomniac tour? And some of the South Parks. (They really need to get big names back into the Super Bowl. Damn Janet Jackson and her nipple covering. You SO know she wanted to do that! Poor Justin.

The funniest thing you heard on the radio?: Some of the stuff from the Mark, Kim, and Frank show on 102.1
Did you take any vacations in 2006? Chicago, Montana was one super long working vacation

Any new hobbies of 2006?: ha, romance novels.

Did you get a new job in 2006?: yes, movie intern and PA at MetLife.

Did you lose a job in 2006?: um, no. "I haven't lost a job yet." (Like a "patient"...it's hard trying to be funny at 7:47 am!)

Did you host a party in 2006: my Gingerbread party!

Did you get in any car accidents in 2006?: nope.

Did you get a ticket in 2006?: nope ("With these boobs?")

Were you ever arrested in 2006?: nope

Where did most of your money go? clothing, food, romance novels.... I now own all of Johanna Lindsey's.....so if you wanna borrow some...it's like 30-40 books or something....*sigh*

What song will always remind you of 2006?: "How to save a life" by the Fray, "Wait a Minute" by PCD, and "Free and Easy Down the Road I go" by Dierks Bentley

What do you wish you'd done more of?: taking control of my free time while I was rowing. (Freetime consisted of eating or sleeping. There was no movie or "fun".)

What do you wish you'd done less of?: ha. Um, complaining? (but not really)

Things you were really good at in 2006?: Writing Fiction, commenting on movies, keeping in touch with Adelaide and Kim as well as the grandparents, parking cars into post-it note sized spaces....the list could go on....
Thing you wish you were better at in 2006?: um, talking ot guys? I guess?

In 2006, did you lie to miss a day of work / school?: um....no. I was really sick.

Did you move in 2006?: moving into the dorm count?

Did you wish on a shooting star in 2006?: yep.

Has your wish come true?: Nope. Sadly.

Did you have a sleep over in 2006?: a few of my friends.

Did you make-out in public in 2006?: ha, no

What's the ringer on your cellphone?: Theme to POTC, "Unpredictable" by Jamie Foxx, and "Boston" by Augustana. Depends on who is calling.
Did you drink too much in 2006?: no, but I started drinking!

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006.: I learned to stand up for myself and not take crap from anyone. ("Yeah Bitch!")

Your favorite commercial of 2006?: the one with the cellphone and the crime deterrant!

Did you go to any concerts? Yep. Keith Urban, Rascal Flatts, Dierks Bentley, and The Drifters.

Something you couldn't leave home without in 2006?: My cell phone and my ipod.

What are you going to do differently in 2007?: Um, hopefully introduce myself to new people and branch out...so to speak. I'm also going to England in the summer...so that's definetely different.

Happy New Years people!

Look out for my list of hot men of 2006 coming in the following days!

review, concerts, 2006, resolutions

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