May 12, 2024 16:21

2024. i know everytime i put in new entry i will lose one of the very first entries i put. 2024. things are actually happening that have never happened b4.. its like everything everyone i used to hango ut with (from very first entry) what we spoke about all the stories we were (thinking) we were making up.. have or are coming trueish. unsure if its good thing or not. euphrates river had dried up. (in bible it says end of days when that happens) and they have been having weird sounds.. now i just sorta laughed it off and thought it the pipes under ground etc.. but after actually talking to someone over there who lives there .. its weirder.
in my next life if i ever relive this one. there is a relationship i really need to avoid. as this person is not leaving my head. and relationships b ack then when ur younger. really suck.
so many people dying. so many pets.. had a horse.. (gypsy) pass away yesterday. ugh.. i need to offload and get rid of things so i can lighten that load and fuck off if i need to .

both sons have moved out of home.. Jomas in chch with his gf. and thomas has moved into a flat.
just dwight and i and the cats and dog. Dwight not doing so well. always wonder if he wil be the next .. which is possibly gods plan. am feeling bit lost right now. older people a happy they are gonna pass soon.. this world is getting too overwhelming for a lot of people.

love, peace.. family.

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