Jun 08, 2005 18:49
Yes, I know. I never update. Katie Allyn pointed this out to me in gyn this morning and that's when i realized it was serious. If someone who doesn't even have a livejournal (for shame, Katie) is commenting about my livejournal laziness...there's a problem. And right now I have so many more important problems to be dealing with, but i realized I really dont give a shit. Life isn't worth living if you dont have incoming comments from the eljay crew.
Livejournal. I have a confession to make. I cheated on you, and in the past few weeks I've been having a sweaty, passionate, fierce love affair with your arch nemesis, myspace. Myspace is so good to me. It holds me in the wee hours of the morning after Dani signs off and I've already reached the maximum capacity of book orders on the Westchester Public Library System. You my friend, although the entries on my friends page are lovely, are only lovely when those entries are coming in. But I vow to keep up my marriage to you. You were my first love. So consider this a renewal of our vows, okay dearest? i'm glad we worked through this.
Myspace isnt satisfying me right now anyway because no matter how many times i push the refresh key there is no little red box delivering me the best news i'll get the entire day in that little envelope icon. Sigh.
This summer is kind of shaping up. I'm assuming Ms. Walters doesn't intend to be bitchzilla and do the deed. I regret my decision to not intend LongLake. I already have friends going there so the making friends paranoia isnt quite as terrifying but i always feel like there's already a family established and my presence would be frowned upon. Sigh. I have an entire summer of writing letters to Longlake cut out for myself. Besides that Alex and I decided it would be absolutely splendid to be self-employed this summer! And so, we will be taking over the Sugar and Spice Camp from Rosie DuPont and Sophia Cadoux. Good stuff. We have 7 potential kids but we need more. Its supposed to be scaled down anyway so if we dont get more it wont be the end of the world. That should be tons of fun.
Right now, as we speak, the inevitable disasters of the last two weeks of school are creeping up on me. I just completed a 34 page study sheet and that's like all the preparation for the finals to come that I have done. I'm not overly confident in myself, im just lazy. Did I mention I have to perform as Capulet in a rather lengthy scene in a week from today? Not to mention Its the most emotionally taking scene in the play...and sofia (Juliet) talks about hand-jiving while we're rehearsing. Fun! Not worrying about that so much because im confident that these things will come together.
umm let's see what else? BTC ended. What the fuck?! That's all i have to say.
Eric's Party, Altar Boyz, the PL picnic, Summer, and Shopping on two seperate occasions are the only lights at the end of the tunnel for me.
I'm laying off my stalking habits even and reading more books! how cool is that?
My seemingly perfect stalking plan fell-through. Miserably. I love how i put Dani in the most awkward situations and she still loves me. Well she better. After that compromising post at my expense, she owes me big time.
Okay so this totally emo, shitty poem that i wrote for my english class as homework during bio. was submitted to the lit. mag. by the Swaltinator. Damnit. I forgot about it before I could withdraw it.
I really wanted to go see Sunday in the park With George, but I was volunteering at Stars over Hastings. That sucks! I wanted to see Marcy perform in a setting that wasnt the school chorus concert because ive heard so much about her. I also missed out on quality time eith my co-stalker. dagnabit. but we always have the kidnapping to look forward to.
I'ma go stalk some anonymous folks (who shall remain nameless for one potential reader). I'm trying to stop but they both updated their eljays! how can I resist. When dani gets home from rehersal shes going to give me a beating.
I miss Melanie and Todd so very much.
It sounds so cliche but im empty without them. I should be shot.
Someone shoot me now please.
EM0ing out,