(no subject)

May 20, 2005 16:03

I have a never-ending terrible taste in my mouth. I can only imagine that its like the result one might experience after licking one of the blackened and scaled feet of my sister. Child needs to shower. And I have a lump on my neck. Maybe its spontaneous generation of some sort and within the next few days ill have a baby growing out of my neck...how cool?
Hmmm...let me see. Where to start. So...the BTC benefit was on Saturday. I missed Kiss Me Kate but I heard all those folks were absolutely amazing. The Benefit was an absolutely orgasmic event.Proof:my best friends, Andrew Lippa, little doughy, whipped cream filled puffs of joy, 36,000 dollars raised for my favorite place ever, melanie and another adorable short person, catholic school girls + michael wearing matching pink outfits...insanity. Then some of my darlings came to myplace where much camera-whoring was accomplished along with...not much else actually.
Sunday I had rehersal which was amazing. We danced for the beginning and then we were rewarded with a game of softball at Draper Park. Let me tell you that sports with theater folk...not so easily done. I got up to bat and i was doing my faux aggression bit and then all of a sudden a bumble bee(which cannot sting, mind you) flys in my face and i dropped the bat and ran away screaming in circles for a good 20 seconds! Good Fun! My team won! I came home and did work and watched my television shows.
Monday blahblah. Tuesday I had the Vocal Cabaret performance to attend and that happened to be an amazingly good time. Such talented folks. Especially those parents...awesome improvers(?). The Quote of the night comes from me and it is:" I never get any serious hardcore ass like: 'Michael, Here is my ass'". Good times.
Wednesday: KAHLEN SO SHOULD HAVE WON! But I'd rather it be Naima than keenyah. (America's Next Top Model talk). I studied with Julie and did intense make-up work for The Waltinator.
Thursday: Party with Alex! I watched the O.C. season finale with her and we had a wonderful time making fun of each other and not doing anything at all. SUCH A GOOD END TO AN AMAZING SEASON.
Today: I came home. I want to go to the carnival but with who?
The taste remains. If it doesnt go away soon...I may be the one who leaves...this life that is.
EM0ing out,
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