April 15, 2010

May 07, 2008 19:20

712. You know, it's like one of those carnival fun house mirror joints but without the candy or the fun, and there's this really faint, butt-cringe inducing music that's so faint you can barely hear it. That's when you know to start gettin' scared. There's something coming. Like Jaws. Only toothless.

And the door opens and it's this pipsqueak demon, you remember her -- she was your favorite -- come to tell me you're dead. Well, whooptie freakin' doo, tell me somethin' I don't know. I was there, Watson, I know what I saw. Or was about to see. It's beside the point. She can't produce you, so I'm playin' dumb. She can't break me with that. It was still worth it.

Just wanted to say it's okay, you know, if you went and got yourself killed that day. At least we'll finally have somethin' in common. We'll both be heroes. Now I just gotta find you. I'm workin' on it.


from dean

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