Jun 19, 2009 02:05
My Take on Destiny/Fate
I believe destiny or fate or whatever is our life´s eventual encounter with what truly gives us eternal happiness...something you have no control over, yet bound to happen, regardelss of effort or influence.
Of course that something that doesnt seem to breed happiness might be quickly shunned by one, because he does not see its potential. Gratifying the now and human natures´s desire for instantaneous satisfation turns us blind to what may end up being the solution to our quest for happiness. But that craving for momentary satisfaction has indeed turned us blind, and it is fate that must guide our way, only revealing the true power of perception when we no longer need to understand it in order to get what we want out of life.
Ahh, the power of perception should be rather the power of deception, because it is so deceiveing how clearly we understand something once we no longer need to understand it. Thus, giving way to the ever-loved ´shoulda, woulda, couldas´. Or, for example, the perception of ourselves in the eyes and minds of others, because it is SO crazy how differently I view myself in comparison to how others view me.
I am glass, fragile, and transparent; incapable and weak in my own critical eyes, while to others I seem mysterious and sure, when, in reality, I can only dream of what it must feel like to be secure...