Jul 21, 2010 17:42
You guys!
I'm trying something new. I'm actually going to try to post something every day, or at least fairly regulary and we can all hope that it's not all angsty mcangst.
I just went through and deleted about a squillion entries from the past 3 years and most of them were angsting about my life or about Daniel or about my life + Daniel and OH EM GEE.
I'm so glad I'm not like that anymore and am so embarrassed that I raved on and on about...him...like that.
We'll see how I go.
Since I don't have my laptop fixed yet (tear!) it will be incredibly slow going BUT I have high hopes that this will last for at least...3 weeks.
Who am I kidding? This will last for about 3 days, but it will be the best three days ever!
So for now I'll leave you with this thought;
I am awesome.
Just think about it and you'll soon come to realise it's all true.
Also (ok, so I'm not really LEAVING you with that thought...) I'm going out to dinner tonight with one of my BFF's, Bronwyn McSheepy Harris and then we will be working on my costume for Leesa's 21st party.
I am going as Lily Potter nee Evans and it will be brilliant.
So now I'm really going.
Expect changes m'dears :) A new layout, new mood themes, new...everything else...but after I get my new laptop!
daily life