Lots of complaints D

Aug 27, 2007 22:15

Hello everybody! I'm so glad to have found a community like this, to unburden all my fandom woes. I shall be addressing a number of fandoms here, because I want to open myself up to as much pronz as possible >D the rot seems to spread everywhere. What rot? The rot of incredibly hot disgusting pairings.

Let me start with Devil May Cry fandom. Dante/Vergil is so very wrong which is of course the whole attraction, okay? I mean. Seriously. They're BROTHERS. And it's, it's WRONG. Also, if you sick freaks MUST write it ( D< ), Dante would NEVER be the more aggressive partner. Ever. He has, like, uke written all over him. But forgetting about that, it doesn't matter because DANTE/VERGIL IS WRONG OKAY. There should never be ANY writing of sex as either redemption or sex as war (victory and defeat and all that), because it's JUST SICK and deliciously fucked-up and issues-y. By the way, THE SAME THING GOES FOR DANTE/TRISH. Ew. She looks like his MOTHER. That is so, so gross. Y'know, DMC really seems to bring out my inner incest fan. I didn't HAVE an inner incest fan before this fandom ;_;

What's next? Oh yeah. Bleach fandom. Yoruichi/Orihime? THAT'S DISGUSTING. THERE IS NO YURI IN BLEACH. NONE. CHIZURU DOESN'T COUNT, SHE'S COMIC RELIEF p.s. Chizuru/Orihime accepted with glee. Also, Aizen/Urahara? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SMOKING or rather, what AREN'T you smoking and why not, because I haven't seen this pairing at all and it makes me sad? That could NEVER be hot. It would be gross and disgusting and GAY. Yuck.

In other news, I have a ray of hope! I am so sad glad that there's no such thing as an Earthsea fandom. Know why? Because I just KNOW that people would write AWFUL GED/ARREN FICS. I mean, that's just the greatest love story of all time, if you ask me twisted. Ged's, like, thirty to forty years older than Arren is. That's deliciously disgustingly GREEK. And it would never, you know, be a relationship of equals even though it really is. Don't any of you DARE ruin their Greek pure and innocent and virginal yeah, my ass love D< In fact, there should be no gay in Earthsea AT ALL. Ged/Jasper? I actually saw a fic for this. It was amazing HORRIBLE. I was TRAUMATIZED. WAH.

In fact, Earthsea smut period is a no-go. Ged/Tenar could never ever be hot.

Man, if any of you write Earthsea smut, I'll &hearts you forever and ever.

Thank you all for letting me get all that off my chest. Ah, the rot just keeps on spreading... Now hit me with the porn? >D

PS. Kittens are stupid. So are all other animals. Macros are FTL.
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