Jun 27, 2007 20:17

You know what we have too much of? PORN! It's worse than the Scourge these days. I mean, I can't read a good wholesome fic without finding some old hero or villain of lore sexin up someone else. I am horrified by the sheer amount of porn floating around out here. Stick to wholesome things,  like fighting, cannibalism, booze,or politics. Stop writing porn about historical figures and leaders. That's just plain sick and disrespectful.

It doesn't even matter what the pairing is. There isn't a single ship that doesn't squick me all the way to the Twisting Nether and back. Illidan/Kael/Vashj? Guh. Azshara/her handmaidens/anyone? Ew. Thrall/Jaina? Porn of other famous (or not so famous) figures? Ugh...And don't even get me started on crack pairings that would never happen, like Illidan/Sylvannas or other horrible depraved ideas that I can't even fathom because they're JUST THAT HORRIBLE.

It really doesn't matter what the pairing is. I've got the plague...and the only cure is more porn! Porn and Kittens, don't fail me now. A cat is fine too though.

het, yaoi, yuri

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