May 27, 2007 12:12
Didn't you hear me, peeps? Every single male character in TeniPuri is GAY. GAY. G.A.Y. They will NOT even think of flirting with any females. They won't be more than friends with girls. Even those who are protective of any ladies (like the guy from Jyousei who worships his big-chested teacher) or those who think they're in dates with girls (come on, An-chan is the biggest slash fangirl there, and she wanted Momo/Kamio rival!sex to happen!) are GAAAAAAAAYYYYY.
So, any TeniPuri het pr0n that comes this way is OMG EW. Even worse if it's a m/f/m threesome because, yanno, the boys are gay and the girls are either EW SUES or Just Their Friends.
*siiiigh* Stupid fandom Gimme my Momo/An or Kamio/An, or even Momo/An/Kamio action, plz.