LJ Idol Week 2, in which we all know - or are - that one friend

Dec 04, 2016 13:47

It's been said that everybody's got that one friend.

It's also been said that if you look at your social circle, and you can't think of who that one friend is, there's a very good chance that one friend is you.

And if that one friend is you? Be fucking PROUD.

It is a scientific rule of the universe that anyone attempting to claim the title of that one friend is immediately disqualified from holding the office if he or she is remotely embarrassed about being that one friend in the first place. Because dammit, That One Friend is a position of fucking HONOR.

It means you're the crazy one, but it's a good kind of crazy, at least most the time. It's the kind of crazy that gets unexpected laughs, jaws on the floor, and indignant squawks of "I can't believe he\she said THAT at [insert apparently inappropriate setting for whatever 'that' is].

It means you're the first one on the invite list when the reason for the party is "we're bored" and the last one on the invite list when the reason for the party is anything that requires guests to make a good first impression. And it means you're totally okay with that because dutifully upholding your reputation as that one friend means you get invited to all the good parties and get to gracefully skip the lame ones and it's all part of your master plan.

It means you're the one who's always in trouble, but it's the good kind of trouble. It's the kind of trouble that starts with "hold my beer" and ends with "holy shit that was fun" and lives on as a story told at bars or posted on social media when the conversation turns to how there's always that one friend.

It means you might have had friends as a kid who weren't allowed to play with you. You might have had elders and peers alike throw their hands up in exasperation. You might have thought your name was "what the hell were you thinking?!" for all the endless times you heard it. And you might have responded with "clearly not what you wanted me to think" and walked away snickering.

It means you've been called inappropriate, a bad influence, obnoxious as fuck, and totally lacking any sense of propriety. And though people may mean it as an insult, it means you wear that shit like a the badge of honor it is. Because above all else, being that one friend means you know, deep down, that if you're not rattling at least a few cages, you're doing this whole "life" thing wrong.

So if it turns out that one friend is you? Own it. Love it. Rejoice in it. And don't even think about saying you're sorry. Because if somebody doesn't upset the applecart every now and then, it gets entirely too full of worms.

social commentary, lji

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