Never Enough Hours in the Day

Dec 31, 2007 00:43

Due to my car troubles and working all through the weekend, I haven't been able to correspond with people as much as I wanted to before 2007 ended.  I wanted to do a little write up about the year but all I have time for is to post this stupid survey I did on myspace.

1) Where did you begin 2007?
In my apartment with the lovely Alicia, we played games, opened our first bottle of champagne,and watched MCR play Times Square on TV.

2) What was your status by Valentine's Day?
Single, FTW

3) Were you in school (anytime this year)?
School of Hard Knocks

4) How did you earn your money?
Library Police

5) Did you have to go to the hospital?
Wait I did visit someone in the hospital

6) Did you have any encounters with the police?
Well it depends . . . I per se didn't have problems with the po pos but I did call the police numerous times on library mofos.

7) Where did you go on vacation?
Cali to see my babygirl, Myssi
Cruise to the Bahamas

8) What did you purchase that was over $1000?
Nothing as I am broke

9) Did you know anybody who got married?
LMAO LOL see what had happened was . . .
I personally do not attend any weddings but there was a surprise wedding . . .(Yes, I'm talking about you Mr. G Way)

10) Did you know anybody who passed away?
I had friends who had relatives pass away = ( RIP

11) Have you run into anybody you went to high school/primary school with?
Yeah, I still talk to friends from high school etc all the time. I did run into someone over Christmas that I hadn't seen in about 9 years.

12) Did you move anywhere?
Nope, thank baby jesus.

13) What concerts/shows did you go to?
Oh shit, I'd be here all night so I'll just name my favorites. I went to like over 20 concerts this year.

My Chemical Romance (The Black Parade Tour) X 2
Project Revolution (MCR again plus MSI, Placebo, Linkin Park, etc)
Taste of Chaos (The Used, 30stm, Aiden, Chidos, etc)
The Used (3 times)
Marlyn Manson
The Bravery
97x Next Big Thing (Coheed and Cambria, Paramore, Rise Against, Cheville, etc)
Tiger Army
Warped Tour
The Killers
Silversun Pickups
plus many others

14) Are you registered to vote?
Yes but need to change it to FL tbh

15) Who did you want to win Dancing with the Stars?
that's an old people show

16) Where do you live now?
St. Pete

17) Describe your birthday.
went home and visited with family and went out w/ my friends at home
got a shock when i got home that someone had married
went out w/ friends in st. pete for a yummy dinner and got drunk at the local awesome gay bar

18) What's one thing you thought you'd never do but did in 2007?
see a man play guitar with a claw for hand

19) What has been your favorite moment?
I can't name just one. in no particular order:

getting to be at the very very front of the barrier for My Chemical Romance's TBP show in April (was truly a once in a lifetime experience)
all the concerts i attended
getting to know all the beautiful new friends I made this year
going on a cruise to the bahams
seeing my myssi for the first time in 3 years
monica moving back
winning paramore meet and greet passes
getting into the twilight book series
stalking the Ford Amptheater to see how we can sneak back to where the buses are

20) What's something you learned about yourself this year?
Not much to go into here
I've learned to be tougher i know that much

21.) Any new additions to your family?

22.) What was your best month?
april cause i saw mcr twice

23.) What music will you remember 2007 by?
My Chemical Romace
The Used
The Bravery
Rise Against

24.) Who has been your best drinking buddy?
all the Limeys' crew
Bill and Joe

25) Made new friends?

Whitney, Stef, Amy, Rachelle, Samara, Nilla, Lik: ILY bbs <33333

26) Regretted anything?
Yes- I didn't save up enough money

27) Favorite Night Out
any night out w/ friends or at a concert is good

28) Sum up 2007 in your own words
To my local Florida/old friends here on LJ, I know 2007 was a rough year for you all so I hope 2008 doesn't decide to be a bitch and brings ya'll much happiness and easier times.  Thanks being apart of my urban family and helping me survive another year without being locked up in the looney bin. ILY, alls.  I couldn't make it w/out ya'll.

To everyone else on my F-List, I'm so glad I've got the opportunity to get to know each and everyone of you this year and can call ya'll my friends. *getting all teary-eyed* You are all such beautiful people inside and out. Thanks for making me smile every single day of the this year. Ya'll make my heart just fill so big w/ love. Can't wait to see what goodies 2008 will bring. ILY, mah bbs!

survey, 2007, 2008, urban family, happy new year, friends

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