How do you want to die?

Apr 29, 2012 20:22

- Ketoacidosis, high acid levels build up in your blood (obviously from puking), an extremely dangerous condition that can lead to sudden coma and death.

- Seizures, bulimics have a much higher chance of suffering from seizures. These can cause brain damage and death.

- Electrolyte Imbalance, caused primarily by dehydration. (almost all bulimics are dehydrated). The loss of potassium and the loss of sodium can cause electrolyte imbalances. Abnormal electrolyte levels are very common in bulimics. They can cause sudden cardiac arrest and death in these individuals.

- Suicide and Depression, obviously. Most bulimics are depressed.

- Cardiac Arrest, aka Heart Attack, aka the most common way a bulimic dies. Cardiac arrest can strike at any time in bulimics, even if they appear healthy and have not purged in some time. It can easily strike during a purge, but can also be the cause of death for a bulimic at any time, when one seems quite healthy. It is one of the most common killers of bulimics.

- Gastric Rupture, a gastric rupture can occur when you eat huge amounts of food during a binge and follow up with a massive purge. This literally means you've puked yourself to death.

It's easier to die from anorexia. But a bulimic's death is almost always more sudden and unexpected.

Days without bp: 0
Days since I fucked it all up: 16
Bp today: 10x (edit: make that 12x)
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