I can't believe the football screwed up my Life On Mars viewing. I was all geared up for a great ScullyAnnie-in-jeopardy episode, and instead BBC Four are showing 2x01 again. Boo.
In very exciting news however, Five US is airing Season 2 of Love My Way beginning March 12th at 9pm!! Hooray! I have it on excellent authority that it's a bit of a let-down following the brilliance of Season 1. Season 1 made such a huge impact on me, which is largely why I didn't buy the 2nd DVD set, but I don't have anything to lose by watching really, as long as I can compartmentalise the 2 seasons in my mind.
I attempted to watch the latest Heroes on youtube (idiot mistake) and either the episode was totally disjointed or the snippets I saw didn't form a cohesive whole.
Mini!Hiro! Far too cute, what with his little Gameboy.
When Baby!Claire reached up and touched HRG's face I choked up a bit. That baby was unintentionally a great little actor.
The effects as burned Claire left the Bennet home and slowly healed were superb. They do such an amazing job with her regeneration effects every time, but these one's in particular blew me away. I'll have more to say no doubt once I've filled in all the blanks. All in all though, it was clearly a better episode than some of the slightly filler-ish stuff we've been given since the hiatus.